Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3054 Light Year Distance

He is not human, has no human emotions—naturally no desires.

Wanting this word may be difficult for him to understand.

Yun Si patted him, "It's okay, just think about it slowly, if you need anything, you can tell me anytime."

"I will try my best to satisfy you. Of course, the premise is that you are not allowed to take things away without saying anything like yesterday, you know?"


He turned his face slowly, but still didn't answer.


The mucus on Yun Si's hands was all from his body. It was sticky, sticking to her hand, making it difficult to stretch it.

Seeing that he didn't answer, she just thought he agreed, grabbed his other intact hand, and pulled the hook.

"Okay, don't take it without asking."

"Pick it up, we have reached an agreement, and we will never go back on our word."

【...What if I go back on my word? 】

"No regrets."

Yun Si let him go.

Outside, Ning Xuan came out of the toilet, still cursing, her voice echoing in the corridor.

The junior also came out, simply washed the wound on his hand, and walked out.

Yun Si heard their voices and said, "I'm going out first, we can talk about it later if there is anything to do."

After all, she is leaving.

The monster grabbed her in one go.

With an effort, she fell into his arms.

The extremely cold body is softer than imagined——

It's sticky, like the saprophytic swamp soil under a big tree, wet and cloudy, and slippery like loach.

Yun Si bumped into his arms, and his cold and broken hands tightly covered her.

[I've thought about it. 】

Yun Si:?
"Think of what?"

【What you said just now, you can give me whatever I want. 】

Yun Si struggled a bit, then raised her head, "Then what do you want?"


[I want to be a human being. 】

Yun Si was taken aback.

[Teach me to be a man. 】 He said calmly.

One by one, words appeared in her mind, conveyed like a movie, and came one after another.

[I want to know, what does it feel like to be a human? 】

The broken humanoid hand rested on the back of her head, and slowly descended, touching her exposed back neck, spine, and back muscles...

Touching, finally, staying in the chest where her heart is beating powerfully.

The cold, like an invisible big hand, penetrated and hugged her warm and beating heart.

【Teach me, okay? 】

It was like a piece of pure white paper, handed to her, asking her to draw on it.

And the pen is in her hand.

"..." Yun Si stared fixedly at him, "Do you want to be a human being?"

【Um. 】

"So suddenly?"

【Suddenly? 】

"..." Yun Si was silent for a while.

She thought it was quite sudden, why did she suddenly say that she wanted to be a human?

"...Then what do you think, who are you?"

Yun Si was afraid that he would not understand, so she put it another way, "That is, what kind of experience do you want to experience? Like a human being, the kind that eats, sleeps, studies, and works normally?"

[It doesn't matter, the decision is yours. 】

The voices in the corridor faded away, and he let go of her.

[Or, like you. 】

Yun Si looked at him thoughtfully.

"Since you want to be a human being, then..."

The first thing to do first is...

"Being a human, can you always maintain the human form?"

Yun Si pointed to his broken face, and half of his skin was missing, exposing sticky hands.

It doesn't matter if it is exposed to her, she can accept it, but if others see it...

His hand touched her face, and the wet liquid was stained and stuck to her.

Thoughts, sensations.

[No need, only you can see me. 】

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