Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3055 Light Year Distance

Yun Si:?
She glanced outside, "Are you sure?"

【Um. 】

Yun Si didn't speak, but looked down at his body, "I can't see... and I can't."

"When in human form, you have to wear clothes."

You can't just stare at her all the time, she doesn't want to look around.

She said: "In a while, I will buy some clothes for you. Since you want to be a human, you have to wear human clothes."


His cold and slippery hand stuck to her face, touched it, and said calmly: [I don't want to wear it. 】

For him, clothes are a bondage, an added burden, and an existence that does not want to be close to the body.

He has never had the concept of dressing, so he can't understand why human beings have to wear clothes, so naturally he doesn't want to wear them.

It is natural to reject things that are burdensome.

Yun Si said: "Don't you want to be a man? The first and foremost thing to be a man is to wear clothes. You can't go out naked without wearing anything."

【Why not? 】

The monster wondered calmly.

[Why, wear clothes? 】

"Because—" Yun Si paused for a moment, "The clothes can cover the body..."

[Why cover the body? 】

"..." Yun Si was stared at by him, and she couldn't answer, "Because..."

" our human world, only very close and intimate people can see each other's body, and can always face each other naked like this."

"If it's not intimate, or if it's just a normal relationship, you can't always face each other naked. not good."

Yun Si tried to explain to him in plain language, "So you can understand? It's just... this is a manifestation of human civilization."

He listened, maybe he listened to it, or maybe he didn't listen to it.

After a while, he still said: [No wear. 】

You can do whatever you want, if you don't want to wear it, you don't want to wear it.

Probably felt that it didn't matter in front of her.

Yun Si: "..."

"Didn't you say you want to be a human?"

【except this. 】

"..." Her fist hardened.




The idea of ​​a monster wanting to be a human being is peculiar - it seems to be just a whim.

On a whim, I brought up this idea, and everything just came from my heart.

Doesn't want to wear clothes and doesn't need to eat human food.No need to sleep, no need to rest...

He does not need to do all the basic activities of human beings, nor does he want to do them.

The only thing I want to do is to follow Yunsi, observe her, and imitate her—in a place where no one can see.

At night, Ning Xuan, who ended her unlucky life all day, packed her things early and left.

In the laboratory, Yun Si was still sitting there, using her computer to sort out the documents she had read earlier.

Before I knew it, it was ten o'clock.

She was so engrossed in her work that she didn't notice that there were fewer and fewer people in the lab.

Until the end, a bottle of milk was gently placed on her desk, and she looked up——

It's my junior.

In the laboratory, only the junior and her were left.

"Sister, are you still leaving?"

The junior, who had been unlucky all day, still looked warm and kind, looking at her with the sparkling eyes of a puppy.

"..." Yun Siping felt a chill all over.

The chill came from nowhere.

Passed from the back to the body.

"...Well, I'll stay for a while," Yun Si responded politely, "Are you going to lock the door? It's okay, you go first, I'll lock the door later."

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, senior sister, I have to stay for a while, there is a form I haven't processed yet..."

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