Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3056 Light Year Distance

"Ah good……"

Yun Si suddenly hissed, and the body leaning on the back of the chair trembled, subconsciously straightening up.

The junior looked at it: "Sister, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"..." Yun Si resisted the strangeness, forced a smile, polite and calm smile, "It's okay, it's just... a flash at the waist."

The sticky tentacles drilled out from nowhere, wet, cloudy and cold, like a giant hungry slug, silently burrowed into her clothes.

It was bitingly cold, and slowly wrapped around her waist.

Regardless of her shivering, regardless of the trembling she wanted to escape—the viscous body fluid remained on her warm skin, the cold and soft, boneless fleshy touch, just circled around her waist.

Yun Si was terrified by the cold, but she still had to maintain an expression on her face, "'s nothing, you can go and do your work."

Afraid of being discovered by the juniors in front of her, she moved the chair and put it against the table, covering it with both hands.

barely smile.

But the junior was a little worried: "Sister, are you really okay? Do you want me to buy some plaster? A flash in the waist is not necessarily a small problem, if you don't pay attention..."

"It's okay, I'm really fine."

Yun Si's expression could hardly be maintained anymore, her bound waist trembled uncontrollably, and her hands on the table tightened.

Enduring the fingertips are exerting force.

"I'll just sit for a while, you don't have to worry about it, go back and do your work, huh?"

"..." The apprentice stopped talking.

After thinking about it, he still said: "Sister, wait here for a while, I will be back soon."

After all, he ran towards the outside.

Now, Yun Si was the only one left in the laboratory.

As soon as the junior left, she immediately grabbed the tentacles that were messing around under her clothes, her breathing was short of breath, and she became angry from embarrassment.

"Stop! Stop!"

I don't know why he suddenly went crazy, but——

[Don't talk to him. 】

In his mind, the monster's tone was calm and indifferent, as if he was talking about today's weather, without any special emotions, he just stated it plainly.

The messy tentacles were caught in her hands, but they didn't move.

Limp on the ground, like a puddle of mud, it fell into her hands.

The slime on it kept going deep, thick black, like oil, sticking to her hands, body, clothes...everywhere.

Yun Si secretly gritted her teeth, "Why?"

[He is an eyesore. 】

Yun Si:?
"What's wrong with him?"

Fearing that her junior would run back halfway, seeing this frightening scene, Yun Si casually wiped her hands with a tissue, and hurriedly got up to pack her things.

[It's just an eyesore. 】

The monster said calmly.

[They are an eyesore like the Artems and should be destroyed. 】

Yun Si: "Atem?"

After a moment of stunned, she realized that he was talking about those monsters that looked like large slugs.

Those monsters were called Atum, Atum—probably the name of their species.

Yun Si carried her schoolbag on one shoulder, tore off a post-it note, wrote a few words on it, and pasted it on the student's desk.

While moving, she said: "He is different from Atems. He is a human being. You cannot kill human beings at will here. This is the rule here. Since you want to be a human being, you must abide by it."

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