Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3057 Light Year Distance

【If I destroy him, will you regard me as an enemy? 】

The monster's tentacles stuck to her waist, and gradually, it soaked up her body temperature——

The cold strips of meat almost melted into her body.

She was so warm—like an ordinary person, but not an ordinary person.

Ordinary people can't bear the extremely cold temperature on his body, but her body is always warm.

It seemed that there was a blazing burning flame that would never be extinguished, and it could melt him into it.

Sink, sink.

The thick tentacles are like a man's arm, tightly wrapping around her.

The viscous liquid turned into the most viscous glue in the world. Once it is pasted, it sticks firmly and cannot be torn off.

Yun Si went around the table and walked towards the door, "Don't have such thoughts, don't act recklessly."


He did not speak.

Yun Si: "Did you hear that? You are not allowed to mess around. To be a human being, you must abide by the rules of human beings. You can't do whatever you want."


Still speechless.

He probably didn't listen, but because of her, he forced himself to remain silent.

If you don't answer, you just don't want to.

Yun Si asked: "Why do you hate him? Did he do something to make you unhappy?"

Logically speaking, there should be no intersection between them, how could it be...

[I don't hate him. 】

The monster said calmly, as calm as plain water.

[Hate is an emotion that only you humans have. 】

And monsters, no.

Yun Si walked out of the laboratory, carrying a bag on one shoulder, went downstairs, and said as she walked, "That's not necessarily the case. If you think he's an eyesore, that's the beginning of hating him."

"I hate a person because I don't like him anywhere, and everything is an eyesore. I hope he can disappear in front of my eyes. I don't want to know anything about him..."

【So, do you have anyone you hate? 】

Yun Si paused, then pursed her lips, "Why don't you ask, is there anyone I like?"

The monster was silent for a moment.

[What is... like? 】

After a while, questions slowly appeared in her mind.

A child who seems to be ignorant is asking how many stars there are in the sky - such a simple and complicated question.

Seems to understand, but do not understand.

The white paper is like, too white, and it is a piece of white.

Because they don't understand, they are dull.

Yun Si said, "Like's much more complicated than disliking it. Like I said, you probably don't understand."

【for example? 】

"for example……"

Yun Si rolled her eyeballs for a moment, and said, "Do you want to know?"

【Tell me. 】

Yun Si walked out of the laboratory building and walked on the school road illuminated by street lights, kicking the empty air, walking slowly.

The slender shadow slowly elongated and then gradually shortened.

Follow at her feet, step by step.

"It's okay to tell you, but you have to promise me that you need to wear clothes when you are in human form." She smiled slyly.

Very clever, especially negotiating conditions.


"It's fine if you don't want to know."

Yun Si seemed to act casually, "Anyway, you wouldn't have such emotions, and it doesn't matter whether you know it or not—" said.

【it is good. 】

The shadow under the light stopped.

【you say. 】

The guy who always does what he wants and doesn't like restraint seems to agree.

Yun Si's eyes lit up instantly, "You agree?"

【Um. 】

"Do you wear clothes when you are in human form?"

【Um. 】

At this moment, Yun Si really wanted to jump up and hug him and kiss him fiercely.

The bad guy doesn't look that bad, he still feels a little silly and rua.

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