Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3058 Light Year Distance

If I had known it would be so easy to get him to agree, so easy to let him go——

【……relative? 】

His extremely simple words, with a slightly rhetorical tone, gently.

Yun Si immediately stopped, "Do you know what I'm thinking right now?"

【you have not answer my question yet. 】

The monster said calmly.

He couldn't always be the one to answer - she hadn't answered him even one of the questions he asked.

Monsters are very fussy.

"..." Yun Si scratched her nose guiltily, "'s nothing, it's just a compliment."

"In us humans, we will use this way to express love and praise, sometimes between family members, sometimes between friends, and sometimes between humans and animals..."

"In short, humans will use this method to express their liking for another person... It's similar to, I like you, and I want to kiss you."

【So, do you like me? 】

The monster's questions are always so direct and hit the nail on the head.

Yun Si paused, "I—"

"Wait, now it's your turn to answer me." She reacted, "Can you read my thoughts even if you didn't show up?"

Doesn't that mean - in front of him, she has no privacy? ? ?
The monster didn't answer, and there was a long silence.

There is a sense of default.

Yun Si took a deep breath, "No, you are not allowed to read my thoughts."

【why? 】

"This is my privacy."

Yun Si explained to him in a good-tempered manner, "Privacy means that you don't want others to know, but you only let yourself know. In our human world, everyone has privacy, and everyone has ideas that they don't want others to know. Respect, don't pry into what others don't want to reveal."

[Want to kiss me, but don't want me to know? 】

the monster asked calmly.

Yun Si's voice faltered, "I—"

How should she explain it?

Sure enough, being able to read minds is a big problem.

Yun Si remained calm, "Well, I don't want you to know, for fear that you will be proud."


He said nothing and was very quiet.

I don't even know what to think.

a long time.

He said: [So, you like me and don't want me to know? 】

He strings it all together with clarity of thought and logic.

Extremely smart.

"..." Yunsi began to talk about him, "Shall I take you to buy clothes tomorrow? What kind of clothes do you like? T-shirts? Shirts? Or sweaters?"

"Actually, they're all good. You're tall, so you should look good in everything you wear. Be good tomorrow, and I'll take you to a few more stores..."

He didn't speak any more, and fell silent.

Listening to her talking about him, she didn't speak again.

Along the way, speechless.




It was nearly eleven o'clock at night when I got home.

Yun Si bought supper, intending to fill her somewhat flat stomach.

While moving her chopsticks, she looked up at the air in front of her and asked, "Do you want some food?"


There was a moment of silence, and no one answered her.

It probably means not to eat.

Yun Si didn't force her, she waited for a few seconds, and then moved her chopsticks.

Blow the hot air and take a sip of powder.

The simple appetite had already satisfied her, she was eating happily, and she didn't notice——

Behind her, a faint shadow appeared.

The blurred shadows almost merged with the surroundings.

The chill was permeating, little by little, like a poisonous snake escaping from the Garden of Eden, clung to her back.

Little by little, the poisonous snake stopped by her ear, opened its bloody mouth, and bit—(End of this chapter)

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