Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3059 Light Year Distance

Yun Si didn't look back, and seemed too lazy to look back.

When the abnormally low-temperature humanoid hand touched her warm ear, she shrank subconsciously, her cheeks bulging and stuffed with powder.

The voice was a little vague, "Don't touch... I'm still eating."

The monster's movements stopped for a moment, but only for a moment.

Symbolically obedient, afterward, the repaired human hand, so pale as if it had been soaked in formalin for hundreds of years, slowly fell down.

A big hand, which could almost completely wrap around her neck, would break if twisted.

He was touching, as if feeling, against her warm, real skin, stroking little by little.

Sticking to the front of her neck, along her collarbone, shoulders...

Into the clothes, deeper and deeper.

Yun Si was terribly frozen by the temperature of his palm, and there were obstacles in trying to escape.

She took a sip of the warm soup, swallowed the rice noodles in her mouth, and pressed his probing hand.

Turning back, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at him.

While staring, he tried his best to be calm, "You want to eat too?"

Half of the body of the monster hidden in the shadows, where the light can reach, has a fair face, handsome as a god, and inch by inch of human skin is stitched together to support it. It is astonishingly beautiful, but extremely weird and frightening.

Like a devil picking and picking among a pile of corpses, he tore apart the best human skin piece by piece, and then patched them together to get a beautiful sewing puppet——

The lips are the most gentle and affectionate shape, without expression, but there is a slightly upturned arc on the lips, ruddy, like a thin layer of suet, biting it lightly, as if it is about to burst out.

It was probably picked out from the dead body of a poet. Such warm and seductive lips should have spoken romantic poems and songs.

But at this moment, it was installed on the monster's body——

Horrible monster, the other half is darkness, it is decay, it is death, it is the finale of all horrors in the world.

It appeared, and bit by bit it melted into the human skin.

Finally, in Yun Si's eyes, it turned into a complete and beautiful human figure.

Tall, cold, creepy, elegant.

Become human, but not human.

With a handsome face like a god, two gray eyeballs are deeply set in the eye sockets, the eyeballs are round and convex, lonely and empty.

It is so quiet, reflecting her, like an abyss, like hell, like staring at the universe.

An inch of lifeless, abnormally cold hand caressed her warm cheek, and the dry fingertips penetrated into her hair.

[I don't need to eat human food. 】

he said.

"..." Yun Si pursed her lips, looking at his hand that was close at hand, as expected, he was probing her thoughts again.

I don't know why, he always wants to know what she is thinking.

Yun Si took his hand away and turned back, "Don't look at it."

She continued to smack her powder, and soon, without any surprise, a cold human hand touched her again.

First the cheeks, the ears, and then the neck...

Yun Si held him down, trying to divert his attention.

"Would you like to sit down? Let's chat?"

"What's your name? Do you have a name? It's just... similar to Artem you mentioned. What do you call you?"

The monster standing behind her looked downcast and calm.

【Do you want to know me? 】

"Well, we should be friends now, right?"

Yun Si grabbed his hand and shook it, like shaking hands with a puppy.

"At least, let me know your name?" (End of this chapter)

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