Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3060 Light Year Distance

The monster stared at her, its lips moved slightly, and made a weird and ugly grunting sound like a low moan.

It is not the human voice, nor does it have the vocal organs possessed by the human body.

Everything is just a piece of skin - human skin that can confuse people's eyes, beautiful and clean human skin.

【name? 】

He seems to be stating, but also seems to be gently questioning.

Probably for monsters, the name is also a novel word, which has never been heard before.

Yun Si thought for a while and explained to him: "It's the code name, the address, that is... If I want to find you, what should I call you, and you will agree."

[If you think of me, I will appear. 】

The monster said calmly.

[As long as you think about me, I will know. 】

Yun Si was taken aback, "How could you know that I—"

Thinking of something, she added, "Then, suppose that one day, you are not by my side and go to a place far, far away—"

[I will know. 】

The monster said: [No matter how far away, even in the middle—a universe is separated. 】

The distance that can be broken has always been only human senses, not his.

He would know, if only—she was missing.

Yun Si was silent for a while, "Is that so..."

"So, you don't have a name, do you?"

The monster didn't answer.

If there is no answer, it is regarded as the default.

Yun Si looked up at him, and asked again: "Then, where did you come from? In the future...will you leave?"

She had wanted to ask him this question for a long time, but because the two of them were not too close before, she kept silent.

Now she could finally ask, let's ask, she waited quietly, waiting for his answer.

The monster's gray and withered eyeballs moved, and the hand that was being held was raised and landed on her face.

Touching, the palm is cold.

【I am from...】

His words suddenly stopped.

Afterwards, he slowly turned his head, with a pair of hollow mosaic-like eyes, he looked at the window without any emotion.

It was pitch black outside the window, there was no light, and nothing could be seen clearly.

It was very quiet at the moment, without a single sound.

The monster remained motionless, and mucus oozes faintly from the pale human skin on its hands.

Looking out of the window, the eyes are indifferent and cold.

Like a giant and powerful king snake with absolute crushing power, it uses invisible oppression to frighten the weak insects who don't know what to do or what to do.

Yun Si, who was waiting for his answer, followed his gaze and was about to look over.

As a result, he pressed her into his arms and forced her to bury her face in his soft and dry human skin.

Yun Si: "Why—"

[Don't open the window tonight, and don't go out again. 】

His hand fell slowly, rubbing her ear, and his tone was calm.

After saying that, the place Yun Si was leaning on was empty——

He disappeared, and even his gloomy and gloomy aura disappeared together.

The darkness that invaded the light and everything around it was receding like a tide at this moment.

Retreat to a dark place, retreat to a place where the light cannot reach, and stand still, like a poisonous snake hiding under dead leaves, dormant.

Motionless, lifeless.

Yun Si stood up and looked around.

The accident happened so suddenly that she didn't even know what happened.

Walking to the window, she leaned against the glass and looked out——

It's business as usual, nothing out of the ordinary.

The street lights downstairs were on, illuminating a row of battery cars attached to the downstairs. On the empty road, people who had just got off work passed by, walking in a hurry.

Everything looks the same as usual. (end of this chapter)

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