Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3061 Light Year Distance

Yun Si leaned against the wall, thought for a while, and sighed.

Probably, there is another bad thing coming out.

Seeing nothing, she walked back again.

A person is used to it.




Late at night, the rain began to fall again.

When the rainstorm warning sounded on the phone, the phone screen lit up and vibrated for a moment.

The rain outside the window was noisy, crackling, and pounding endlessly, and the room was silent. The light from the mobile phone stayed by the bedside table, illuminating the sleeping person on the bed.

The thunder and lightning flashed, and the thunder rumbled. She nestled in the quilt, closed her eyes, and fell asleep deeply, ignorant of the sound of the rain outside.

There is darkness all around, only the mobile phone is on, resisting tenaciously, trying not to be swallowed by the darkness.

But soon, the only light also failed, dim and powerless, and the endless darkness around quickly swallowed everything.

Everything seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

Quietly, as if in another world.

At this moment, in an unknown corner of the city.

The torrential rain drenched the desolate and decaying houses, and weeds grew freely from the gaps in the ruined walls, but they bowed their heads helplessly in the violent rain, and the grass blades were bent.

Withered and yellowed walls, slippery and sticky ground, desolate and popular corners——

The invisible air is being squeezed by the heavy rain, twisted by gravity, and crushed viciously by this absolute force.

Crush until the ground is faintly torn.

No one in the corner, nothing.

Looking at it with human eyes - nothing can be seen, nothing can be heard, and the only thing that can be touched is the heavy rain.

"Gulu Gulu—Gulu Gulu—"

Countless monster larvae broke out of the ground, the sound of their hungry stomachs wanting to tear everything apart.

"Gulu Gulu—Gulu—"

[You should go back. 】

The ancient language, vicissitudes and mystery, is hidden under the sound of the rain, as weak as a thread, but it can go directly to where it wants to go.

Above the ground to be torn apart, "Gulu Gulu—Gulu Gulu—"

[Atom Zerg has fled, the mission is completed, you should come back earlier. 】


The thunder in the sky, like a giant's axe, smashed through the sky with heavy hammers.

Between lightning and thunder, darkness fell, heavy, hidden in unknown places.

[The time has not yet come. 】

The monster's answer was distant and cold.

[Atom is destroyed, I will go back. 】

【You, don't come again. 】

"Gulu Gulu—Gulu Gulu—"






Yun Si was awakened by a flash of lightning.

The thunder was frightening, deafening, and the ground was shaking, so that in the building, one could feel the fear that the steel and iron frame tried to hide, but could not hide.

Yun Si woke up from her sleep, and opened her eyes——

Then she saw a thick and black, octopus-like tentacles, a snake-like tail, and a wet and ugly strip of meat, appearing in front of her eyes.

The moment she opened her eyes, the monster-like flesh froze.

Afterwards, it slowly turned into pale and dry human hands, one by one, with distinct knuckles.

Beautiful as a painting, but without a trace of popularity, the hands covered her warm face.

In the darkness, that cold and gloomy aura rushed over.

Right next to the bed, in front of her.

Yun Si opened her eyes, looked at him, and blinked.

Just woke up, she was still a little unable to react, subconsciously held him.

She didn't speak, and the monster in the darkness didn't speak either.

quietly. (end of this chapter)

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