Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3062 Light Year Distance

Chapter 3062 Light-year distance (34)

Outside, the sound of rain was pouring and clamoring for everything. Inside, Yun Si held his hand and looked at him.

After a while, she moved to the side of the bed, revealing a little space.

"Do you want to sleep together?"

Under the sound of the rain, her voice was soft, with a bit of drowsiness that hadn't woken up, low, like a newborn baby animal, the cry was soft and pitiful.

In the darkness, the humanoid monster did not move.

It seems to be looking at her, and it seems to be looking at the empty seat beside her.


Maybe the monster doesn't need to sleep. Seeing him not moving, Yun Si lay on the bed, rubbed her eyes, opened her arms towards him, "If you don't want to sleep, would you like... hug me?"

He still didn't move, as if he didn't understand what she meant.

The hand she let go reached out again, touching her face.

Flesh on flesh touch, perception.

【what should I do? 】

he asked calmly.

Feeling his cold limbs, Yun Si hummed and sat up slowly.

Grabbing his shoulders, little by little, pushed him onto the bed.

The monster has long arms and legs, broad shoulders, and a body like an unshakable mountain.

Lie down—

One bed was nearly filled.

Even, the end of the bed was still not enough for his feet, so there was an extra section.

"..." Yun Si was silent for a while.

Suddenly, she regretted her whim.

Looking back and forth, she tried, manipulating him, telling him to lie on his side.

After finally finding a place, she jumped up in satisfaction, buried him in his arms, and hugged him tightly.

"Well, just give me a hug."

She put his hand on her waist, and buried her in his arms with a soft voice, as if she was acting like a baby.

"Just hug me, it will be fine in a while."

The monster didn't speak a word, lying on its side, the hand on her waist, slowly stroking.

Unable to touch her face, he came to touch her waist, thinking that the clothes were in the way, so he penetrated into her clothes.

Touching the somewhat sensitive soft flesh on her waist, ignoring her subconscious dodge.

His hands are too cold, and his body is too cold, even though he looks like a human, even from the outside - he is no different from a human.

But a monster is always a monster, and for humans living on the earth, he is always a different species.

The unique low temperature, the chest without a heartbeat, and even - he wasn't breathing.

The whole body, like a corpse that has been dead for many years and hidden in the cellar, is cold all over.

Cold, dry, rough.

Like a person, but always, not a person.

Yun Si hugged him for a while, and then began to feel cold.

The chill seemed to be transformed into strands, into little snakes as thin as a needle thread——

Through her skin, inch by inch, into her body.

Occupying her flesh and blood, flowing in her veins, crazy and greedy, making her tremble even to the bone.

She hugged him for a while, feeling a little unbearable, she let him go, and raised her head from his arms, "Okay, don't hug him anymore, get up."

She was about to sit up, but the monster—could it be that she could hug it whenever she wanted, and throw it away if she didn't want to?

As soon as she moved, the humanoid hand that had been stroking her tenderly all the time grabbed her back in an instant.

Holding her in his arms, his cold hands held her tightly.

【Hold for a while. 】

Monster Road.

"..." Yun Si, who was forced to lie on her stomach, was so cold that she couldn't stand it, she pulled the quilt silently and covered her body.

"Then try again."

(End of this chapter)

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