Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3063 Light Year Distance

Chapter 3063 Light-year distance (35)

"Just for a moment, you have to get up in a while, I'm sleepy and want to sleep."

She lay on his collarbone, rubbed her face, and lowered her eyelids.

"Just, hug for another minute."

The monster didn't say a word, its long arms embraced her, and as soon as it was retracted, it bound her tightly.

It was getting colder, Yun Si sniffed.

I wanted to push him but couldn't, instead I hugged him even tighter.

Yun Si found a comfortable position in his arms, leaned against him quietly, and closed her eyes while hugging.

"You're so cold."

she muttered.

The monster who was born with low temperature did not answer, but slowly stroked her warm body.

Over and over again, self-taught, caressing.

Like smoothing the fur of a cat, she felt a little more comfortable, squinting her eyes, and no longer struggled.

The pushing hand slowly stopped and rested on his body.

【Sleep. 】

The monster's words seemed to have magical powers, descending into her consciousness.

Little by little, let her hum and snore comfortably, and fall asleep.

I fell asleep, although I still felt cold, but the habit of getting closer to the familiar and dependent breath finally defeated the little bit of coldness.

She started to hug him actively, clinging like a clingy kitten.

The monster stroked her back, and gradually, his hands fell on her side face.

Touch the soft and tender meat on it, pinch it, and knead it.


A strange sound echoed in the empty and silent room.

Accompanied by the sound of rain outside the window, for a long, long time.

The ancient whispers stayed at the fingertips, entangled, and slowly fell.

It landed on the cheek of the sleeping person, on her warm breath, and finally, on her lips.

Click on it, stop it.





A few days later, the new clothes Yunsi bought online finally arrived.

After washing, she couldn't wait to put on some guy who had been naked.

Put on clothes, pants, and even shoes.

Putting on human clothes, the monster looked more and more human-except for those weird glass-like eyes, and after wearing a hat to cover them up, it was a tall, big, mature man with a tall and handsome back.

Fair complexion, stern temperament, unsmiling, calm and indifferent.

It is as charming as an iceberg, but it also hides the danger of the abyss under the sea.

Even if you don't see his whole face clearly, you can still be scared away by the cold aura that comes with him.

He was in displeasure, after putting on the clothes.

But Yun Si was very happy, stood on tiptoe, and held his face, "You're so good, I have to remember to wear clothes in the future, you know?"


The monster under the human skin grabbed her hand.

[From now on, every day? 】

"of course."

Yun Si blinked her eyes and helped him push down the hat a bit.

With his eyes covered, he looked like a real human being at the moment—a very handsome and handsome man from the outside.

Yun Si said: "You promised me that you have to wear clothes when you are in human form, do you want to go back on it?"

The monster did not answer, silent.

Probably didn't like it, and was obviously unhappy.

After all, with clothes on, he can't change his shape arbitrarily.

It is equivalent to bondage, to him.

Yun Si looked at him, "Then..."

After thinking about it, she lowered her requirements a little, "Then at least, when you're outside, you have to wear clothes."

As for being at home...

Yun Si sighed: "When you're at home, don't wear clothes if you don't like them."

With no one around, she just pretended not to see.

(End of this chapter)

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