Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3065 Light Year Distance

Chapter 3065 Light-year distance (37)

"Besides, I didn't see how much he cared about you. If he really liked caring about you, why did he go?"

Yun Si didn't speak, and turned her gaze back to the computer.

"Really, Sisi, come on, come on, even if you don't make friends, it's good to go out and walk more, see the scenery more, see handsome guys more..."

Yun Si still didn't answer.

"It's a big deal," Ning Xuan said, "It's a big deal that you call your boyfriend together, if he's worried."

Anyway, he won't come.

Ning Xuan thought in this way, and then frantically encouraged her: "Really, come on, it's more fun with more people, and it happens that we can meet your boyfriend."

"To be honest, if you really don't want me to match you with someone else, you can bring your boyfriend to have a look. If your boyfriend is really nice, then I will definitely bless you and never introduce handsome guys to you again. "

"But just in case, right, in case your boyfriend can't see anyone or something, to be honest, you should just share it, don't want a flower, you have to stick it in cow dung, don't fall in love, because he thinks you It's up to him, otherwise, he can hold you..."

Yun Si got a headache from being entangled by her, "It's really not good, you go, you just have to have fun, my boyfriend is busy, no..."

[What is tourism? 】

A brief question appeared in his mind, and the words of Yunsi's refusal stopped.

"Huh?" Ning Xuan saw that she was suddenly silent, and shook her, "How is it? How are you thinking? Do you want to go together?"

【I wanna go. 】

Yun Si raised her eyes, fixed on the void in front of her.

"Si Si?" Ning Xuan, who knew nothing about her, saw that she didn't respond, and continued to lobby, "Go, really, let's go together, go to the beach, we have rented a villa, and there will be a barbecue. There are baths and surfing, which is very fun.”

"..." Yun Si pressed her eyebrows, "No, you guys go, I won't go."

Really, there are so many people, if a guy reveals his secrets, let the big guys see that he is not human——

The consequences may be out of control.

Forget it.

Hearing this, Ning Xuan glanced in the direction of Lin Jiaze, the elementary school student, and the two looked at each other. Ning Xuan shook her head slightly, saying no, she won't go.

The junior was obviously disappointed.

Yun Si closed the computer and got up: "Stop talking, I'll go to the bathroom."

"Ah? Oh." Ning Xuan had no choice but to let go of her.

After she left, Ning Xuan spread her hands, looking helpless.

The junior lowered his head and said nothing.





Yun Si closed the door and locked it behind her back. In the next second, a cold breath stuck behind her.

Extremely pale, dry and thin human skin hands stretched out from behind, encircling her.

Like a ghost, like a soul, like a corpse, caressing and entangled.

【why are you not going? 】

he asks.

Yun Si turned her head slightly, with a calm expression, "How to go? What if you are found out?"

【Don't you want others to see me? 】

The hand adorned with tendons slowly covered the front of her neck, stroking.

Yun Si grabbed his hand, "It's not that I don't want to, it's..."

"Yes, what if someone finds out that you are not human?"

After all, he won't keep his human form all the time, sometimes when he's lazy, his weird-shaped tentacles will come out.

It rested on her body like maggots.

Densely packed, horror thriller.

She can accept it, but it doesn't mean others can accept it, especially these ordinary people.

Yun Si turned around, "If you want to go, I can take you there alone."

(End of this chapter)

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