Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3066 Light Year Distance

Chapter 3066 Light-year distance (38)

The monster's gray and white eyes were decayed and empty, without waves, and it turned its head slightly, as if thinking.

[What if it won't be discovered? 】

Yun Si: "Huh?"

[If you won't be discovered, do you want to go? 】

He repeated it slowly and peacefully.

Yun Si didn't speak immediately, but only touched his dry skin, which looked like a thousand-year-old mummified corpse, and looked at him inquiringly.

"You really want to go? Why? Want to play or..."

Want to meet other people?

She always felt that his behavior today was too abnormal, not like the usual him at all—indifferent, indifferent to everything, and not interested in anything.

Today he...

"Give me a reason to go?"

Yun Si touched his face, calmly, "You can't let me agree without knowing it?"


The monster didn't answer.

The two faced each other for a moment, and also remained silent for a moment, until finally, he bent down and leaned against her.

Holding her close, the cold body temperature invaded wildly.

It seems to be a hug, and it seems to be a bit of a gesture.

His movements were cold, and he stated in a calm and calm language: 【Because...】

【There are traces of Artem on them, maybe, follow them to find the absconded Atem. 】

A short and perfect reason—at least, it can definitely convince Yun Si.

Yun Si thought for a while, "Are they...referring to Ning Xuan and his junior?"

【perhaps. 】

Now it makes sense-

Why some time ago, Ning Xuan and her junior were so unlucky that they couldn't even drink saliva, so it turns out...

It is indeed the ghosts of those monsters.

Thinking of this level, Yun Si understood, "I see...then it seems that we must go."

"However, when the time comes, you have to hide it well so that you don't get discovered. I'll go and tell Xuanxuan later that I'm going too. If you need my help, you can tell me then."

After all, she turned around and was about to go out, but the monster pulled her back and refused to let her go.

[Do not hide. 】

Yun Si: "Huh?"

The monster said: [I don't want to hide, I want to be a human being and show up. 】

Yun Si was stunned for a moment, "Being human?"

One second she didn't understand, but the next second, she understood what he meant—he was going to appear in human form in front of everyone.

Stop hiding, show up blatantly.

Yun Si was nervous all of a sudden, glanced outside the door, lowered her voice, "No, you want to become a human, so everyone can see it?"

【Don't you want me to show up? 】

the monster asked.

Yun Si had no expression on her face, she looked at him completely abnormal, and she knew it was a monster's eyes at a glance, and said, "Is this a question of whether I want it or not?"

"What if you are found not to be a human being and you are arrested by the police?"

【Will not. 】

The monster's human form could no longer be maintained, and some places gradually melted, revealing its original dark and ugly side.

Even so, he didn't care about it, allowing his body to change, turning into a swamp, becoming withered, and turning into the most unimaginable existence.

The viscous liquid dripped onto Yun Si's body, chilling the sky, binding her like chains of ice.

The monster murmured, and the deep and desolate feeling spread to the depths of her heart.

[I promise, I won't be found out. 】

【Only you, there will be no one else but you. 】

[Trust me, huh? 】

The last words are like a promise, an oath, and a curse from the devil in the dark.

For others, it has no effect, but for those who accept such words——Yun Si's eyes are out of focus for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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