Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3067 Light Year Distance

Chapter 3067 Light-year distance (39)

Lost focus, pupils dilated slightly, slack, like a puppet being manipulated, whose soul was taken away by a demon, and remained motionless until the next second——

She closed her eyes for a moment, lowered her head, and waved.


The monster that was about to reveal its full face, snoring, like the tentacles of a mutated loach, got under her clothes and entangled.

[Trust me, huh? 】

Under the endless tenderness, it seems that a terrifying madness is breeding, watching her from beginning to end.


Yun Si, whose eyes were clear again, raised her head and looked at him.

He didn't speak, just grabbed his tentacles and tightened slightly.




In the end, Yunsi agreed to go play with Ning Xuan and the others during the summer vacation.

The middle was just going to the bathroom, and Ning Xuan didn't expect her to change her mind so quickly.

With her joining, Ning Xuan immediately winked at the junior who had been waiting on the seat.

The junior was a little excited immediately, and almost jumped up.

Fortunately, his sanity was still there in the end, he lay down on the table, lowered his head, blocking his happy expression.

Ning Xuan winked, then pestered Yun Si again.

"Si Si, you have to dress better when the time comes. Do you have a swimsuit? Let's buy swimsuits together? I recently fell in love with a store. The styles are very good, and there are especially sexy ones. You have a good figure. Don't you want to buy me a girlfriend outfit?"

"..." Yun Si quickly refused, "No, no, no, no, no, this is really unnecessary."

"Oh, why don't you take a look." Ning Xuan enthusiastically promoted the store on her mobile phone, "Look first before we talk."

Big beauty, this is a fair-skinned beauty with long legs, and she is going to the beach again, what can she do without a swimsuit?
not to mention……

Ning Xuan glanced at the direction of her junior.

She took advantage of her junior, so naturally she wanted to match him and Yun Si well.

Anyway, her so-called boyfriend won't come, so a beautiful woman should be with a handsome guy.

Ning Xuan continued to be crazy about Amway while thinking about it.

"Come on, take a look, just take a look, how about this set? This set is super invincible and sexy, you will definitely look good when you wear it, really, really."

Yun Si: "...I really don't need it."

She sighed.




Summer vacation, airport.

Two hours before departure for the seaside tour.

Ning Xuan, who carefully selected n sets of swimsuits for Yun Si, hoped that they would be useful when her junior confessed, she thought that this seaside tour would go well, and she was looking at Yun Si and the man who came holding hands with her After that, I was dumbfounded.

Live stupidly on the spot.

Look at Yun Si, and then at the man brought behind her.

She seldom dresses up on weekdays, and Yun Si, who has always been bare-faced, changed into a beautiful, small and fresh floral skirt today, with princess braids and light makeup.

Like a princess, the whole person is radiant and charming, and the water is like a pearl. The tall and stern man behind him is her knight and her most loyal wild dog.

The two came hand in hand, there was no particularly intimate gesture, but it gave people the feeling that they were a perfect match.

Big hands holding small hands, a man wearing a peaked cap and a black mask followed behind her with a suitcase in one hand.

Under the cover of the mask, his face was almost invisible.

But the more you can't see clearly, the more room for curiosity and reverie.

Looking at his strong physique like a soldier, broad shoulders, narrow waist, long legs, like a cartoon character——

Mysterious, cold and powerful.

Ning Xuan swallowed unconsciously.

Damn, it looks so fucking... handsome.

(End of this chapter)

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