Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3068 Light Year Distance

Mysterious, cold and powerful.

Ning Xuan swallowed unconsciously.

Damn, it looks so fucking... handsome.

They came together, and all eyes were on them.

Ning Xuan moved her gaze away with difficulty, and looked at Yun Si.

"Si Si, this is your..."

Could it be the boyfriend who never showed up and never cared about her?
This is too fucking... sexy.

Ning Xuan couldn't help it, and took another peek at the man's hand—the hand that fell on the luggage pole, wide, slender, with distinct joints.

Fair, with clear blue veins can be seen in the action, extremely erotic, erotic and casual.

There is a kind of wild appearance in yellow novels that suppresses the heroine, forbearance and violence, just looking at it, it is heart-pounding.

This is called Ning Xuan who is controlled by hand, and she can't move her eyes away at all.

Yun Si stood in front of her, hesitated for a moment, looked at the people behind her, and then introduced: "This is my...boyfriend."

When she said this, she even felt a little guilty, and turned to look at the people behind her.

After all, he was dubbed a boyfriend without knowing anything--it's not very good.

Might offend him a bit.

But fortunately, he is not a human being, and he is not very clear about the various names among human beings, and he doesn't seem to care too much.

After she finished speaking, he didn't respond, he just clung to her quietly, with the peaked cap pressed against his face, without moving.

Ning Xuan looked him up and down, and Yunsi's eyes finally showed more understanding and approval——

She understood, she understood, why such a beautiful woman would be so determined.

Damn, she's so handsome, she can bear it for her.

This figure, this character, this hand—what a hiss.

It sure is addicting.

Ning Xuan asked: "Oh... oh... then what's his name?"

Yun Si scratched her nose and said vaguely, "Ah Jiu, you can call him Ah Jiu."

Ning Xuan understood, and gave her a reassuring look.

Her boyfriend has an identity at first glance, so it's inconvenient to reveal it to others.

Thinking about it, it was because of this reason that her boyfriend never showed up, because of his special status, so...

Yun Si: "...?"

What is she thinking about?
Ning Xuan, who had completed all kinds of brainstorming, looked sympathetically at the junior standing aside, shook her head, and sighed.

It seemed hopeless for him.

One is a chaffinch and the other is a Jieying, and the two are not in the same order of magnitude.

The junior who was watching from the side didn't speak, just looked at them in silence, his eyes were a little dim.

It was he who put a lot of thought into coming out this time, and he also made various plans and strategies.

Originally, I thought that I would have more opportunities to get along with Yunsi, but I didn't expect...

As if feeling his gaze, Yun Si turned her head to meet his gaze.

Before he had time to say anything, he just nodded slightly to indicate——

A guy who hadn't moved all this time tightened his grip on her.

Yun Si paused.

After getting along for a long time, she can now more or less understand some of his emotional changes.

That's what happens when you're upset—

[Want to hug. 】

he said.

Yun Si's eyelids twitched.

"not now."

[Want to hug. 】

He let go of his hand on the trunk rod, as if he was about to move.

Yun Si had sharp eyes and quick hands, "Later later, I will give it to you later."

He didn't move.

"..." Yun Si was really annoyed by him.

Emotions were up and down, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart.

What a sea needle. (end of this chapter)

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