Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3069 Light Year Distance

When checking in, Yun Si was still worried that if he took off his mask, a certain guy might be found to be inhuman.

No, when Zhen took off his mask and started comparing his faces—everyone turned a blind eye to his weird face.

Even though his eyes were cloudy gray-white, fish-like, hollow-looking—no one saw the scream.

It's as if people are born like this, everyone is like this, it's not surprising.

Ning Xuan lined up behind her, and kept touching and sighing with her, "Your boyfriend is really, really dead... Where did you find boyfriends? Can you introduce me to some of them, I want them too... ..."

After meeting someone, she really stopped talking about introducing other handsome guys to her, and was always amazed.

Obviously, nothing unusual was noticed.

Seeing the monster disguised under the human skin pass through the security gate smoothly, Yun Si replied: "I picked it up."

Ning Xuan: "Huh?"

Yun Si turned her head and winked at her, as if joking, "Boyfriend, I picked it up, just picked it up on the road."

Ning Xuan: "..."

What nonsense is this woman talking about?
Picked up?

She smiled on the skin, "Why don't you say that he fell from the sky and just hit you?"

After speaking, Yun Si looked thoughtful, "Well, you can also say that."

Ning Xuan: "..."

This woman seems to have lost her mind.

After passing the security check, the person who had been waiting in front quickly took Yun Si's hand.

Yun Si stood on tiptoe and put the hat and mask back on for him.

There is no unnecessary movement between the two of them, just like this, it can already be seen that the relationship between them is close.

At this time, the junior who was undergoing the security check watched, and soon, he looked away again.





After boarding the plane, a certain monster picked up put its head on Yunsi's shoulder as soon as she sat down.

Like a stickman, he held her hand tightly.

Yun Si sat down, but before she said anything, she felt that someone was sitting next to her, and she turned her head to see that it was her junior.

In a row of seats, she sat in the middle, her husband sat by the window, and her junior sat by the aisle.

The warm and well-behaved junior, after sitting down, whispered hello senior.

Looks as harmless as a puppy.

Yun Si looked at him and smiled, "Well, hello."

"Sister, do you want some snacks?"

As the junior said, he was about to take it from his bag. Yun Si felt her hand being held extra tightly, with a gentle expression on her face, and she politely refused, "It's okay, no need."

While talking, she looked at her man and asked with her eyes - what's wrong?
[Want to hug. 】


Yun Si was a little helpless, and touched him, "Didn't you talk for a while?"

"I'll hug you when I get to the place later, okay?"

She coaxed him softly, "Soon, another hour."

He didn't speak anymore, just leaned on her, thinking the mask was in the way, he took it off and stuffed it into her hand.

Yun Si relaxed her shoulders so that it was easier for him to lean on, and put the mask back into her small bag.

After putting it away, the clingy big guy hugged her entire arm——

If it wasn't for the wrong situation, probably the whole thing would have been embraced.

Yun Si touched him, comforted him, and felt the eyes of the junior student next to him watching him. She turned her head and looked at him with puzzled eyes, "What's wrong?"


The delicate junior looked at the floor, "I just think, senior sister, you and your boyfriend have a really good relationship."

"..." Yun Si felt guilty when she heard the three words boyfriend, "Well, it's okay." (End of this chapter)

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