Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3073 Light Year Distance

It rained harder and harder.

From afternoon to night, and from night to day.

It rained heavily for three days in a row, and the ashen sea was like a revived monster, eroding the edge of the beach at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sea level rises, the tide rises, the waves are rough, and the fierce sea wind almost breaks the trees on the beach.

There was heavy wind and heavy rain, and the seaside had been cordoned off, and no one was allowed to approach.

This made Ning Xuan and his party, who came to the beach excitedly, a little disappointed.

They couldn't go to the beach, and because of the heavy rain and the wind and waves, they couldn't even get out the door of the villa, so they could only stay in the house.

All plans outside the house were cancelled, and they could only play games in the house for several days.

"Okay, I'm starting to spin."

In the living room downstairs, a group of people sat around, with a wine bottle in the middle.

The girl who spins the bottle is from another department. She is good friends with Ning Xuan and has a good personality. When it was her turn to spin the bottle, she rubbed her hands together nervously and pressed down.


As soon as the pressed bottle was turned, it was forced and immediately began to spin.

Among the surrounding group of people, the direction of the bottle's mouth changed rapidly.

All the people present were staring at the mouth of the bottle, staring at it, watching its speed gradually slow down, and finally, it stopped slowly.

The moment it stopped, the bottle mouth was pointing in the direction...

Lin Jiaze, junior.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief - except him.

He scratched his head, "...I choose the truth."

"It's the truth again." The girl spinning the bottle felt a little bored, "It's been a few rounds, why don't you dare to choose the big adventure?"

"No, I can't keep doing this. I'll let you go this time. In the next round, no matter who is selected, you must choose the big adventure. Otherwise, it would be too boring to keep choosing the truth."

"Okay." The junior quickly agreed, "To be honest, what do you want to ask?"

The girl put the bottle away and didn't bother to think about the questions. She pointed to a pile of paper balls in the center and said, "Choose yourself, and answer whichever question you choose."

The junior looked at it and took a paper ball at random.

The ball of paper is spread out, and the question on it is...

Yun Si who was sitting opposite got up, "I'm going to use the toilet, you continue."

After she left, the student holding the note remained silent, with a look of hesitation on his face.

"What's the question?"

Seeing that he was silent, the boy next to him snatched it away, "Let me see."

"Oh~ The question is: if you were to kiss and hug someone at the scene, who would you choose and why?"

"Oh~" Other voices also began to boo.

At this moment, Ning Xuan, who was about to open a pack of snacks, stopped her movements and raised her head, with an expression of remembering something——

Damn, Yun Si has a boyfriend!

At this moment, the student who was the focus of attention sat in place for a long time, silent for a long time, as if he didn't know how to answer.

Ning Xuan looked at Yun Si's position, fortunately she went to the toilet and was not here.

Ning Xuan quickly said: "If you can't answer, drink, drink, drink, come, pour him a glass."


Before she could speak, when Yun Si came out of the toilet, she could see her junior holding up a big glass of beer and pouring it wildly from a distance.

The people around were suddenly silent.

After returning to her seat, Yun Si sat down and curiously asked Ning Xuan who was sitting next to her: "What's going on? What did you ask?"

Being able to force a person with a bad drinker to drink like this...

Ning Xuan laughed dryly, "It's nothing, he may be... thirsty."

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