Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3074 Light Year Distance


The empty wine glass fell heavily on the ground.

He drank it, a big glass, not a drop left.

Ning Xuan swallowed in fright, took out a piece of paper from the side, and handed it tremblingly.

"Still... are you okay?"

"It's okay." The junior smiled at her, took the paper and wiped it.

He couldn't help the smell of wine, and hiccupped loudly.

"Come on again." He hiccupped again and raised his hand to block it, " it my turn to spin the bottle now?"

"...Yes," the previous girl was also a little frightened by his decisive appearance, and handed the bottle over, "Go ahead."

When it was the junior's turn, the junior shook his head, took a deep breath, and turned around.

The bottle starts spinning again.


At this moment, a thunder flashed across the sky.

The sky was torn apart, like the end of the world, thunder tore the sky in half, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the sea water poured back.

The ground trembled, and in the villa, the hanging lamp shook faintly, with a slight amplitude.

It was really scary, Ning Xuan shrank her neck in fright.

"Wow, the weather..."

The spinning bottle stopped slowly, at the moment it stopped, the moment the bottle mouth was facing Yunsi——


A thunder that was even bigger and more terrifying than just now fell from the sky, "Boom—"

The whole land seemed to be cracking, the houses collapsed, and the tsunami hit.

The earth's crust trembled, and even the chandelier on the living room also shook, shaking one by one.


A small sound came from nowhere, and suddenly, the lights in the house went out.

It was a storm outside, and when the dark clouds covered the sky, the lights went out, and the villa suddenly became dark.

Although it is not invisible, but it is so dark that staying in it is always easy to make people feel panic.

Everyone who was playing the game focused on turning off the lights for a moment.

"What's the matter? Power outage?"

"Power outage? No way?"

A boy stood up and tried to turn on the light.

After trying a few times, the lights did not turn on, the sound of the air conditioner disappeared, and there was no light source in the whole room at the moment.

Ning Xuan got up to get her mobile phone, but the charging display of the mobile phone disappeared, and it was indeed a power outage.

"No way, what's the deal with the power outage? It won't last long, will it?"

The game was interrupted, and everyone picked up their mobile phones.

Yun Si wanted to find her mobile phone, but when she touched her pocket, she suddenly remembered that her mobile phone was in the room. She patted Ning Xuan, "I'll go back to the room."

"Oh, let's go." Ning Xuan was busy looking at her phone without raising her head.

Yun Si got up.

After she got up and went upstairs, the student sitting opposite her sat for a while, then also stood up and went upstairs.

Yun Si's room was on the third floor, and his room was on the second floor. He stopped on the second floor, looked in the direction of the third floor, and stopped, as if he was doing psychological construction.

It seems to want to keep up.

The light was dim, Yun Si who went upstairs didn't notice him, and went back to her room, the door opened and closed, and the next second——

Wet, like a hand that had been frozen for thousands of years, grabbed her.

Catch and pull her back—

Yun Si seemed to have been dragged into a damp and corrupt swamp, she sank in, and even her breath smelled of rotting mud.

She was entangled, with cold, sticky, eel-like tentacles that penetrated into her clothes very familiarly.

The temperature of the monster was at his side, and the dreadful aura rushed towards his face.

At this moment, outside the window, it was raining, thunder and lightning, and the sea breeze was violent.

Everything is so noisy, noisy - only he is quiet.

Quietly. (end of this chapter)

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