Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3075 Light Year Distance

At this moment, outside the window, it was raining, thunder and lightning, and the sea breeze was violent.

Everything is so noisy, noisy - only he is quiet.


There seemed to be a huge suction cup on her body, sucking her in and sticking tightly.

Before Yun Si could see him clearly, she touched his extraordinarily cold and damp body. The wet, sticky flesh gradually hid under the human skin. The human skin was cold, hard and without a trace of elasticity.

She was entangled and clinging to each other, and the clothes on her body were soon soaked and chilly.

She raised her head and saw his pale and sickly face in the dark, cold as a dormant poisonous snake.

Silent, dangerous and terrifying.

Yun Si stabilized her center of gravity, hugged him, and calmed down a bit, "You're back?"

Her hand was warm, with the warmth of life, touching him gently.

The damp human skin quickly became dry, soft, and a little elastic. Although it was still cold to the touch, at least it was still human skin.

After he came back, he put on the human skin again, and the monster hid in the human skin, hugging her like a human.

The cold man's hand penetrated into her clothes, tightly grasped and tightened, he didn't breathe, only the sound of snoring came from his chest.

Heavy, oppressive, hanging like a boulder, muffled, reverberating.

Yun Si put her hands on his naked and dry back, "What's wrong? What happened?"

He will hardly have emotions—even if he had, he would not be as dull and empty as he is now, as if he was left by the gods outside the edge of the universe, like a pitiful creature forgotten by everyone, lonely, silent, Cold and speechless.

All over his body, as if everything had been taken away, he became too quiet, without saying a word, he just hugged her tightly.

Feeling her body temperature, it was like hugging the only fire tightly in the ice and snow, trembling, desperately wanting to grab it.


The deep voice was like a seriously injured beast, panting, collapsing, quietly licking its own wounds.

Yun Si wanted to take a closer look at him, but was held by him, unable to raise her head.

She struggled a little, trying to stand on tiptoe, "What's wrong? Can you tell me? Are you hurt? Where did you hurt..."

【nothing. 】

He obviously had fluctuating emotions, but he seemed to calm down a little under her extra soft caring voice.

Like a robot, cold and calm.

[It's just that it's going to be foggy. 】

After the words came out, Yun Si noticed that outside the balcony——

I don't know when the rain started, and it became smaller.

Fog also rose.

The hazy fog—not the kind of white fog like water vapor, but gloomy, like the poisonous fog continuously discharged from the chimney of a chemical factory.

It's gray and dark, and I don't know where it started, and I don't know when it started to encroach.

The fog started to rise, and the scenery outside the balcony seemed to fade in the blink of an eye—it became gray, dilapidated, cold, like a ghost world.

The verdant and lively branches next to the balcony seemed to be swallowed by the fog at this moment, and the outlines of the branches and leaves were blurred little by little, silent, and finally disappeared.

Everything seemed to be controlled by this fog that rose from nowhere—the sound of the sea and wind in the distance could not be heard.

Only the sound of rain, "Didi———"

Yun Si withdrew her gaze: "It's foggy, what does it mean?"

He didn't answer.

Cold hands caressed her back, slowly.

【I'm waiting for your explanation. 】

he said.

Yun Si was taken aback.

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