Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3077 Light Year Distance

"..." Yun Si hurried forward and hugged him, "No, no."

"Is it too late to like you? How can I hate you?"

【Then why do you push me away?Do you hate me kissing you? 】

Yun Si was silent for a while, "It's not that I hate it, I like it, it's just..."

It always feels like she is teaching bad ignorant babies——

After all, he doesn't understand anything, she teaches like this...

She breathed a sigh of relief, suppressing the guilt in her heart.

【What is it? 】

"That's right..." Yun Si raised her head as if she had made a decision in her heart, her brows and eyes burning.

"That's right, you kiss me, I like it very much."

The monster looked at her.

She took a step forward, took his hand, pulled him lightly, and bent his body a little—so that the two of them could look at each other.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Yun Si slowly hooked his neck, approached, her voice gradually lowered, in a low voice, in a nong tune.

"I'll teach you real kisses, okay?"

In the dark, her fair and delicate eyebrows were raised slightly, as if dyed with a bit of charming color.

Beautiful eyes, wet, sparkling, thick water, like honey, while whispering, pushed him to the wall.

Like a water demon, a water demon that can seduce people's souls, is both beautiful and confusing.

Start taking the initiative and take the initiative.

The monster had no words, and its withered eyes were still cold and empty, without any emotion.

Maybe it was doubt, or maybe it was curiosity, but he didn't resist, just watched her quietly, as if he wanted to know what she was going to do next.

Yun Si's eyes drooped slightly, her breath was warm, and through the darkness, her slightly parted lips were about to cover——

"Knock knock—senpai—"

The door was knocked suddenly.

Her movements stopped.

Just as I was about to turn my head to look, the next second, the whole world was silent.

The sound of rain, the sound of wind in the distance, and the sound of knocking on the door nearby——

Everything was deaf, as if isolated, only she and him were left in the whole world.

She was semi-compulsively met by the monster.

The slimy tentacles that came out of nowhere reappeared, wrapped around her waist without any refusal, and restrained her.

She was forced into his arms, and the powerful tentacles, like a giant river python, wrapped around her body—tighten, keep tightening.

He was staring at her, like an abyss staring at a person standing on the edge of a cliff, deep and extremely dangerous.

【continue. 】He said.

Yun Si put her hands in front of him, resisting him, and tried to put some distance away, "But there are people outside..."

[Didn't you mean to teach me? 】

Yun Si grabbed his hand, "A little later? I'll teach you later, huh?"

[No, just now. 】

For some reason, he suddenly became stubborn. Yun Si couldn't even look in the direction of the door. He held her face in his hands, and the flesh on her face was squeezed out. Yun Si tried to resist, but finally failed.

[Now, teach me. 】

"..." Yun Si took a deep breath, stood on tiptoe, and kissed directly.

Kissing him so weak—that was the only thought on her mind.

Like a kitten that has not been weaned, it is fierce and ferocious, and it kisses ferociously without using any skills.

Kissing, biting and gnawing at him, the height gap was there, she tried her best to stand on tiptoe, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck.

Active and fierce.

The monster's movements visibly stagnated.

"This is the real kiss, you know?" She mumbled, her lips were bright red, she left for a while, then kissed again.

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