Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3078 Light Year Distance

At this moment, outside the room.

The junior, who was intoxicated, leaned against the door, his body swaying a little.


He patted on the door, but there was no response, it was closed tightly, and there was no sound from inside.

He burped, drunk, "Sister..."

The door was closed, and he slowly, leaning against the door, slumped on the ground with his head tilted.


He tried knocking again.

I don't know what the people inside are doing, and there has been no response.

The junior muttered in his mouth, "Sister...don't make a boyfriend, okay..."



The people inside didn't respond, but the people downstairs seemed to notice.

Ning Xuan, who came up from the first floor, heard the sound and went upstairs to have a look.

Seeing the junior who had drunk a lot of alcohol blocking the door of Yunsi's room drunk, she thought to herself, so she hurried over.

"I'll go to Lin Jiaze and you—"

She looked at the closed door of the room. Yun Si had just told her to go back to the room, but now that she thought about it, she probably was inside——

There was a drunkard blocking the door, and she was probably going to be frightened.

Ning Xuan quickly pulled up the man who was paralyzed on the ground, "Lin Jiaze, get up, you're drunk."

"Who said that!? I'm not drunk..."

He flicked his hand.

The body of a drunk person is extra heavy, especially when they are about to go crazy with alcohol, ten cows can't pull it - Ning Xuan alone can't stand it at all.

She was thrown aside and looked at the junior student who fell on the ground, anxious and at a loss.

Think about it and call someone—but if someone sees it, you may not know what other people will think.

What if this got to the ears of Yun Si's boyfriend, and the two people who were originally in a good relationship would quarrel...

Ning Xuan didn't want to be a sinner.

She looked back and forth, gritted her teeth, and continued to pull - treating him like garbage, pulling hard.

"Si Si, don't be afraid, I'll drag Lin Jiaze away right away." She said while pulling people on the ground.

"Go, hurry up—"

"Well, I'm not leaving—"


Ning Xuan dragged it with all her might, "Let's go one, two, three—"




The movement outside the house was noisy and chaotic, accompanied by the sound of strenuous dragging, inside the house, in a closed space with no light——

The sound of disordered breathing was exceptionally clear in this environment that was as quiet as the deep sea.

The woman panted lowly, and rubbed her skin against each other, as if everything was immersed in the icy sea water.

Soft as boneless sea water, sea water refracting dim light and shadow, just like that, penetrated into all senses of people without a sound.

The breath is moist, and the drooping soft eyelashes seem to be soaked by sea water.

The chest cavity is filled with seawater, the cold, extremely cold seawater, just like this along with the blood.Flow all over the body.

The whole body is very cold, very cold, it is the kind of cold that can make people confused, become dazed, involuntary, and can only be from the heart.

Yun Si didn't know what was wrong, but felt that she was soaked in sea water—she was a fetus conceived by the ocean mother, and all the cells in her body were stretched, eager for everything.

She obviously felt cold, but her body was scalding hot.

Confused, being hugged, kissed, and stroked, my limbs are gradually becoming weak.

In a whirl, the monster seemed to be soothing her soul——

With invisible hands, little by little, tell her to relax, relax, and make everything defenseless.


After getting cold, she began to feel hot again.

His whole body seemed to be scorched, his lips were parched from the heat, and he frantically sought a source of cooling.

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