Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3079 Light Year Distance

The heat is parched, and frantically seeks a source of cooling.

She didn't know what was wrong with her - and she couldn't think.

The brain seemed to be down, it was full of paste, and I couldn't turn it around. It was as confused as a child—a child who was born in Fang Fang and didn't understand anything.

She couldn't think, she could only obey her heart, and hugged the only cold source tightly, like a lost person who was scorched by the scorching sun in the desert and was about to die of thirst. The desire to survive made her hug tightly instinctively, Grasp the only life-saving straw tightly.

Breathing, she was breathing rapidly like a kitten.

The monster was caressing her tenderly, staring closely at her with invisible eyes.

Time passed quickly, or maybe very slowly, and she seemed to fall into an extremely deep abyss split from it——

The chill of the abyss was embracing her, bit by bit, encroaching.

There came the faint and slow voice of an ancient sea monster, like an announcement, like a sacrifice, and like a spiritual spell.


The person in the center of the abyss vortex closed his eyes tightly, his face was flushed, and he gasped heavily.

Everything is swallowing her up.

She's falling and doesn't know anything about it.

Time, space, and the world are all immersed in the boundless sea water.

The sound of water, rippling lightly.




I don't know how long it has passed, maybe an hour, a day, or - a year, ten years.

Maybe this life has passed, and the passage of time has become too long, gentle, and crazy.

When she regained consciousness, Yun Si opened her eyes.

Everything in front of her gradually changed from blurred to clear, and her eyes also gradually changed from lax to clear.

The unfamiliar yet familiar ceiling came into view, she stared at it blankly, then suddenly got up.

"Hiss—" started violently.

Her limbs were too weak, numb, crisp and sore, and she fell back as soon as she got up.

Her body was covered with a quilt, her clothes were gone, her body was completely limp, and she had no strength at all.

She lay on the bed, raised her hand, and pressed her sober brain with some difficulty, trying to recall the past——

what happened?She is...

Yun Si was lying down, waiting for her physical strength to recover, while recalling vaguely——

When he came back, she said a few words to him, then hugged and kissed him, and then...

The memory was interrupted, she couldn't remember it, she just vaguely remembered that she seemed to be with him...

Yun Si breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly raised herself up.

The room, here is the room of the villa - when she was unconscious, she felt that a long, long time had passed, as long as a lifetime, or even a century.

but now……

Yun Si glanced at the alarm clock placed beside the bed - it seemed that only ten minutes had passed.

Ten minutes... Yun Si didn't even know whether to suspect that it was just a dream.

Maybe she was thinking about him all the time, so she might have that... messy dream when she fell asleep.

Yun Si sat on the bed, slowly, and looked up at the nothingness around her.

She wanted to speak, but when she spoke——

His voice was extremely dry, as if he hadn't drunk water for three days and three nights.

"are you there?"

She was speechless for a while.

In a silent room, it was pitch black, and the electricity was cut off, but it seemed that the electricity had not been restored.

In the dark environment, she asked softly, and the next second——

A cold and dry body hugged her.

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