Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3080 Light Year Distance

Yun Si paused for a moment, and then, her soft body relaxed a little, and slowly leaned against him.

"I seem to have a dream."

She leaned in his arms, licked her dry lips, Ruan Nong whispered, "Is it a dream?"

The cold embrace tightened slightly, and he stroked her face slowly.

[If I say no, will you believe it? 】

he asked calmly.

Yun Si lowered her eyelids, put her hands on him slowly, and murmured, "I believe."

She always believed what he said.

It's just that this feeling is too wonderful, her voice was a little hoarse, and she asked, "Is that... the way you communicate emotionally?"

It was so crazy, she even felt that her soul was—


She closed her eyes, the vague memory made her unable to recall, she could only feel the general idea.

"It's amazing," she murmured.

【You will get used to it. 】

The cold monster slowly raised her jaw, covering her

Yun Si's mouth was filled with the smell of damp earth, cool, neither sweet nor bitter, just like boiled water.

She opened her moist eyes slightly, looked at the person close at hand, and breathed lightly.

IM thirsty. "

The strength of her limbs recovered a lot, she pushed him away and turned sideways to find water.

Gulu Gulu drank a large glass of water, but it was still not enough, so she was about to get out of bed.

The monster that had been clinging to her pulled her back.

[I'm coming, you rest. 】

"..." Yun Si looked sideways at him.

After watching for a while, she handed over the empty water glass, her hoarse voice becoming softer.

"Remember to put on your clothes."

She still remembered that he didn't like to wear clothes and always liked to be naked.

The monster didn't answer, it just approached it, like a big wolf dog, and licked her mouth

Yun Si watched him leave, put on his clothes and hat, went out, closed the door, she breathed a sigh of relief, and collapsed on the bed as if paralyzed.

Tired, not only tired physically, but also tired soul.

She touched her face with a normal temperature, but still couldn't help but doubt——

Is that a dream?

Otherwise, why would it feel so unreal, so exciting...

She silently covered her face with the quilt, sighed, and hypnotized herself.

Treat it as a dream...just treat it as a dream...well, just treat it as a dream...





The stair connection from the second floor to the third floor.

Just as Ning Xuan tried her best to pull the drunken junior with all her strength, footsteps came from behind her, and she turned her head subconsciously.

Turning around, looking at the figure falling on the ground, and then slowly raising his head along the direction of the steps...

Seeing the person coming downstairs, her expression froze for a moment, embarrassed and obviously at a loss.

"You... hello."

She let go of her junior who fell on the ground, and put her hands behind her back, as if nothing happened.

Standing on a higher step, the man in a loose black T-shirt with broad shoulders and a cold demeanor did not answer.

He glanced at the drunken junior on the ground, and then walked away.

After passing by Ning Xuan, she went downstairs, still holding Yun Si's water cup in her hand.

The whole time, nothing was said.

His body was full of coldness.

Ning Xuan thought to herself: It's over, it's over.

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