Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3081 Light Year Distance

It’s so good that you can’t die, it’s just right——

For the first time, she wanted to shoot herself to death for her recklessness.

It's all her fault—blame her for setting up this game without knowing anything.

It's over, in case Yun Si and her boyfriend get into an argument——

Ning Xuan didn't know how to end it.

She stood on the stairs, looking upstairs and downstairs, not knowing what to do for a while.

Distraught, she looked at the instigator who fell on the ground, "It's really..."

Self-inflicted sin.

She bent down and continued to drag.




In the room, Yun Si got dressed and lay down on the bed for a while.

Lying down, she suddenly thought of something and sat up—just now...was someone looking for her outside the door?
She looked towards the door. At this moment, the man who went downstairs to fetch water came back, closed the door, and walked over.

Yun Si glanced behind him, "At the door, is anyone looking for me?"

The monster handed her the water glass with a calm face, 【No. 】

"Oh..." So she got it wrong?

Yun Si didn't doubt it either. She took the cup, took a few sips and then put it down. She turned her head and held his face, smiling: "How is it? Is it over? Are those weird things...all gone?"

She didn't have time to ask just now, but now that she remembered, she asked.

It's just that this question turned on some kind of switch in him.

As soon as she asked - he hugged her and hugged her without speaking or answering.

Obviously, he always answered every question before.

Yun Si blinked, "What's wrong? Didn't it work? Failed?"

Still no answer.

Outside the balcony, the rain had stopped, and the fog—it was getting thicker.

Fog spread all around, shrouding the world, like a cold monitor, staring at all this.

In the room, the monster hiding under the human skin took off its hat, stroked her face, and slowly kissed her.

Like a mist so damp that you can touch water droplets when you reach out, it is pervasive and frantically trying to entangle with her.

Humming, rapid, intense and irregular buzzing, he seemed to lose control for a moment, a big lump bulged out of his handsome leather face - as if there were countless bugs rolling inside.

Thrilling and terrifying, bloody and grotesque.

However, under Yun Si Qingming's gaze, the face quickly returned to normal.

The extremely thick fog stayed outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, quietly, he held her hand and put her hand on his body.

There was a resonance in the chest, and his forked tongue entangled her, causing her mouth to be stained with the wet, slippery earthy taste again.


His voice is low.

It seems forbearing, it seems helpless, and it seems like a confused child.

Yun Si looked at him, feeling the strong yet soft tentacles slowly climbing up her body, she pushed him away a little, and asked seriously, "What's wrong?"

"Did something bad happen?"

His reaction was too strange, it was clear what happened.

It's just that he didn't answer, as if he didn't want to answer.

Tilting her head, she wanted to kiss her again, but Yun Si avoided it, her expression became more serious: "Say, I'm listening,"

He stared at her steadfastly, the buzzing in his chest became heavier, low, chaotic, and urgent, like a wild animal that was locked in an iron cage and could not escape, walking back and forth in a small space, feeling agitated To the extreme.

Yun Si touched his face and said softly, "It's okay, huh? You can say whatever you want, I'm listening..."

【I gotta go. 】

Yun Si's gentle touching hand stopped. (end of this chapter)

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