Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3082 Light Year Distance

Looking into his eyes, flickering slightly.

His body was cold, and her hand seemed to lose its temperature at that moment.

"Sure, do you want to go?" She asked very slowly.

【Um. 】

"..." Yun Si shrank her fingertips, lowered her eyes, and fell silent for a moment.

After a long time, she sighed lightly.

Sighing calmly, there was no surprise at all, as if he had thought of this day long ago.

He is not from this planet, and he came here only to destroy those alien life forms that fled here.

Now that the mission is's not surprising that he will leave and return to his own place.

I will leave sooner or later—I just never thought that I would leave so soon.

She looked at him again, her eyes were calm and gentle, "Well, when are you going to leave? Now?"

The humming became even worse, rapid and sharp, like high-frequency radar waves, continuously coming from his body.

He didn't answer, but hugged her tightly. He had no vocal organs and couldn't speak. He could only express his indescribable emotions in this way.

Eager, restless, almost out of control.

Yun Si looked at him, pursed her lips, hugged him back, and patted him on the back.

"Okay, I know you hate me."

What he couldn't express, she said for him.

His mind is as sensitive as hers, as if he knew what he was thinking, and comforted him: "It's okay, it's not like you can't come again after you go back, the big deal is, when you miss me, come back and have a look..."

[What if you can't come back? 】

[What if I leave and never come back? 】

Yun Si's voice froze.

After a moment of silence, her tone was relaxed and natural, and she whispered in his ear, "Is it very far away? If coming here will make you very hard...then don't force it, as long as you are doing well, it will be fine." .”

She was always unwilling to embarrass him.

As long as he lives well and is free, it doesn't matter if she doesn't see him.

Big deal, see you in the next life.

She stroked his head like a dog, "Don't be sad, huh?"

【I'm not sad. 】

He was calm, but he hugged her more and more tightly. Under her comfort, the sharp humming sound seemed to be a little weaker.

Slowly, low, and long.

【Sadness is an emotion that only you humans have. 】

"..." Yun Si couldn't help laughing, "Really? Not sad?"

【Um. 】

"That's good." Yun Si didn't want the atmosphere to become so sad, he wouldn't be sad, but it would make it easier for him to leave.

"When are you leaving? Now?"

Yun Si looked at the thick black mist outside the window, the mist blocked all the scenery outside the window, it was pitch black, like miasma in a dark forest, eerie and cold.

The fog had started and there was no rain, which seemed to be the sign urging him to leave.

Yun Si wanted to push him away and look at his face, but he hugged him too hard and would not let go no matter what.

"..." Yun Si leaned on his shoulder, the corners of her lips slightly raised, "After you leave, don't forget me, you know?"

"We're best friends anyway, and I'd be sad if you forgot me."

He didn't answer.

Maybe you listened to it, or maybe you didn't listen to it.

When he let go of her, he grabbed her hand and encircled it. A pitch-black icy ring with countless tiny tendrils grew on her wrist.

Not too big not too small, just right, to wrap her around.

Yun Si: "This is..."

【Gift. 】

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