Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3086 Light Year Distance

This year's winter is exceptionally cold, without snow, but the temperature is surprisingly low.

In previous years, the average temperature was two or three degrees below zero, but this year it dropped to eight or nine degrees below zero—as if I had changed my home and lived in the North Pole.

Not only is it cold, but it is also foggy.

Originally, when it snowed in winter, the roads were prone to slippery roads and safety accidents occurred, but now that there is fog, there are more accidents.

When another ambulance passed by with its horn on the side of the road, the delivery man came outside the store. As soon as the door was opened, fog and air-conditioning came in.

"The weather is bad, Ma'am, I don't think the goods can be delivered in these two days, and the big trucks can't go on such a ghostly day..."

He carried two boxes of drinks into the store and piled them on the shelves.

Listening to the ambulances passing by one after another outside, the proprietress complained, "What a ghost."

While talking, she came over and looked at it, "That's all? It's gone?"

"That can't be helped, the cart can't come these two days, and the things can't be delivered..."

The glass door of the convenience store was not closed, and the cold wind was blowing outside, forcing away the heating in the room. Yun Si, who had finished selecting the products, came to the checkout counter and put down the things.

"Boss, check out."

"Oh, okay, here we come." The proprietress patted the moving master, "Please move these inside, and put them in the old place."

After all, she closed the open door smoothly to block the wind outside.

The TV set next to the cash register was broadcasting news at the moment, and it was urgent news again—because of the heavy fog, more than a dozen cars rear-end accidents occurred on the elevated road.

Yun Si watched for a while, until the proprietress settled the bill, packed everything in a plastic bag and handed it to her, then she turned her gaze away.

It was very cold outside, and it was windy and foggy. Yun Si carried her things, and before pushing the door to go out, she wrapped herself in a scarf, wrapped herself tightly, only her eyes were exposed, and then go out.

"Ding dong—welcome to visit next time——"


The cold wind rushed towards him, it was really violent, like a tornado, it almost made people lose their feet.

Yun Si squinted her eyes slightly, looking at the white mist that permeated everywhere, the visibility was frighteningly low, standing on the side of the road, she could only hear the sound of passing cars, but could not see the outline of the car.

The abnormal weather and the abnormal low temperature, she watched quietly for a while, then walked along the road and left.




It was already night when I got home. Late at night, the fog had not cleared, and the sirens of ambulances on the road became more and more frequent, and the sirens of police cars also appeared frequently.

The fog is getting thicker and thicker, and at night, the visibility is already low, and various accidents are happening one after another. There are various sirens outside the community. In the community, everything is quiet. The weather is bad, and everyone basically stops going out.

Back in her bright and spacious apartment, Yun Si put down her bag, turned on the heater, and the temperature rose again. She took off the warm velvet scarf and cotton clothes, leaving only a thin sweater.

The fog outside was too heavy, wet and cold, and a thin layer of frost had formed on her window. Looking out through the window, she couldn't see anything but her own reflection.

The white fog was watching her quietly through the window.

Yun Si drew the curtains to block the humid sea-like air outside, and turned on the TV, which was playing the talk show she often watched. (end of this chapter)

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