Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3087 Light Year Distance

"...Professor, do you mean that our earth may be affected by this coming superstar meteoroid?"

"Yes, the diameter of the BMT6750 star we observed this time is larger than that of the stars we observed before. According to rough calculations, its diameter is about three to four times that of the earth. That is to say, at this time In front of the stars, the earth can only be regarded as a small point."

A surprised expression appeared on the hostess' face at the right time, and the professor sitting opposite her continued: "Our astronomical satellite system has been closely monitoring this superstar, trying to calculate the trajectory of this star. The Virgo supercluster, which is hundreds of millions of light-years away, has arrived at the Andromeda galaxy, which is about 254 million light-years away from us, and it is predicted that it will reach our Milky Way within ten days."

"After arriving in the Milky Way, what kind of impact will this star have on our earth?" the host asked.

The professor replied: "Our worry now is that this star itself has a considerable gravitational magnetic field. When it passes through the Milky Way at high speed and high energy, once the earth cannot resist its strong gravitational attraction, the balance will be broken. There will be a risk of being torn apart."

The host's expression became serious, "That is to say, even if this planet does not hit our earth, will it lead to the destruction of the earth?"

"Yes, this is quite possible. According to the calculation of gravitational force, the closer this star is to the earth, the greater the impact on the earth's magnetic field, and it will also cause our abnormal weather to occur frequently. Recently, there have been heavy fog and strong winds in many places. , The heavy rain weather is also affected by this factor..."

In front of the TV, Yun Si hugged the bucket of instant noodles, blew a few mouthfuls, and ate the hot noodles.

The talk show on TV was still going on, she leaned on the sofa, watched it for a while, and then unconsciously looked at the cold bracelet on her wrist.

The monster has been gone for a long time, and the bracelet is the only thought he left her.

He said it was a gift. When she missed him, she would take a look and touch it. Now, when she glanced at it subconsciously——

The crack, she saw the crack.

The ice bracelet, which was indestructible in the past and would not hurt even if it was knocked or touched, cracks appeared at some point.

Obviously, when she was taking off her coat just now, the bracelet was still good.

But now... Yun Si sensed something was wrong, put down the instant noodle bucket, raised her hand, and pointed it at the light.

Under the bright light, the cracks on the ice bracelet, which was originally transparent and concealed a soft streamer, became more obvious at this moment.

Straws and strands, like branches breaking out of the ground, began to grow the moment they appeared—the speed was getting faster and faster.

It seems that if you touch it a little harder, it will be completely broken and shattered into powder.

Yun Si fixed her hand and tentatively touched it——

The cracks are still there, like a big net, from the inside, inch by inch, with lines.

But from the outside, the texture is still excellent, cold and smooth, like a newborn little black snake, still circling her, lying on its stomach, quietly.

Yun Si hesitated for a moment, carefully trying to take it off.

The bracelet was cracked, indicating that it would soon fail—she wanted to take it off and keep it carefully.

But the size of the bracelet was tailored to her wrist, and once she put it on, it seemed that she couldn't take it off.

However, she didn't dare to use too much force. (end of this chapter)

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