Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3088 Light Year Distance

"So, what else can we do when this star is approaching? Should we prepare in advance in order to survive?"

The interview on TV was still going on, and inside, the professor looked at the camera and replied: "Please don't worry too much. After hundreds of deductions, the trajectory of this star will not coincide with that of the earth. Simply put, it is not There is a possibility of a collision with the Earth."

"However, the earth's magnetic field is very likely to be affected by it and change, causing the continental plates to squeeze each other, the crust to vibrate, and natural disasters to occur more frequently in various places. As ordinary people, we should prepare in advance To prepare for various natural disasters, keep first-aid kits, small generators, compressed biscuits and other dry food at order to better deal with secondary disasters caused by changes in the earth's magnetic field..."


There was the sound of water droplets hitting the glass.

Yun Si rummaged to find the hand-moisturizing ointment, rubbed it on her hands, tried to reduce the friction, and pulled the bracelet off.

The voice of the interview on the TV was ringing, and outside the window, it seemed to be raining.

In winter, when the temperature was below zero, it was supposed to be snowing, but it was raining abnormally at this moment.

The rain was not heavy, but it was blown on the window by the wind, and the temperature seemed to drop even lower.

In the warm apartment, Yun Si tried for a long time, but still couldn't pull it off.

Panting slightly, she raised her hand, facing the light, and looked at the bracelet full of dark cracks inside.

How to do?
She was deep in thought.

At this moment, outside the window, the rain is gradually getting heavier.




The next day, the Meteorological Observatory did not lift the red fog warning, but instead added a blue rainstorm warning.

The whole city seemed to be soaked under the sea, shrouded in thick fog and raining continuously. It should be a dry winter, but now it became damp and cold—just taking a breath, the chest and lungs seemed to be covered by this damp The air was flooded, stuffing people's mouths.

Yun Si got up in the morning and opened the curtains. Outside the closed window, the world was a vast expanse of whiteness, and nothing could be seen clearly.

The icy raindrops hit her window, crackling, and the cold wind blew fiercely, but it couldn't blow away the fog.

The fog was too thick, even thicker than yesterday—the visibility seemed to be less than ten meters.

On the road outside the community, it was quiet at the moment, and there was no noise of cars coming and going.

Occasionally, an ambulance drove by, beeping, and the sound barely penetrated the wind and reached the window.

Such weather is really not suitable for going out, Yun Si looked at it for a while, and then drew the curtains.




In the afternoon, the rain stopped.

The weather seemed to be getting better, the sun was out and the temperature was two degrees higher than yesterday.

However, the fog has not dissipated, still lingering, firmly adhered to every corner of the city.

The soft sunlight could not penetrate the thick fog, nor could its warmth reach the wet ground.

Taking advantage of the bad weather, which is not bad at all, Yun Si went out, intending to buy some instant convenience food.

When she came to the mall, there were more people in the mall than she had imagined—probably because they had read the news and wanted to prepare some supplies in advance in case of emergencies.

Yun Si bought almost a week's worth of rations and stood behind the long checkout line.

Pushing the shopping cart, she moved forward slowly while watching the TV above. (end of this chapter)

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