Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3089 Light Year Distance

The TV is still reporting the weather conditions, the foggy weather is bad, and the government is urging people not to travel unless necessary.

But in the current situation, the appeal is counterproductive, and it will only make the people more panic-stricken, and they all want to come out to stockpile supplies.

Yun Si was in the middle of the queue, with a long queue in front and a long queue behind her.

There was a lot of voices and it was once crowded.

The fog outside the mall was thick, white and gloomy, like a giant monster, staring at the people in the mall.

While watching the news, Yun Si moved forward slowly.

Next to it, a child rushed out from nowhere, ran over with a lollipop in his hand, "Mom, I want to buy this—"

Xu didn't look at the road, he bumped into Yunsi directly, Yunsi, who was originally focused on the news, didn't have time to dodge, was hit and staggered to the side, knocked his hand directly on the shelf, and the child fell to sit land.

"Wow—" He burst into tears.

"Baby—" his mother rushed over immediately, "Don't cry, don't cry, are you okay?"

The child cried and was picked up by the mother.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." She repeatedly apologized to Yun Si, "I'm sorry—"

The moment the bracelet broke and fell to the ground——

The whole world is quiet.

In an instant, stagnation.

The aunts who were scrambling for vegetables in the raw and vegetable area stopped their movements and maintained their scrambling posture; the cashier at the cashier counter was still holding the product and was about to scan the code, and the red light of the scanning machine shone on the bar code of the product ,like a statue.

The child's crying stopped, his mouth was open, and the moist tears fell down, but they were frozen in the corners of his eyes.

The child's mother was still bowing slightly, and the people around looked over, but they froze for a moment.

The clock that keeps the world running, stops at this moment.

The world is quiet, the fog is thicker and thicker.

Only Yunsi stayed where she was, realized something was wrong, and looked around.

The huge shopping mall has become too quiet at this moment, even people's breathing is stopped, only the sound of ticking can be heard from an unknown place.

It seemed to be the sound of fog condensing into water and dripping on the ground.

The sticky and damp mist is constantly changing like this, illusory, shapeless, and not controlled by time.

Like the strange miasma in the dark forest, it quietly hides in every place it can reach, witnessing all this, staring deeply.

Yun Si looked around, then lowered her head again, looking at the ground, the cold feeling on her wrist was gone, she frowned, and bent down to look for it.

The bracelet was broken, and logically it would be broken into several pieces and scattered on the ground, but she searched back and forth several times, but there was nothing on the ground.

She didn't give up, and searched carefully several times, but the bracelet... seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

It turned into an ungraspable fog and drifted in the air without leaving a trace.

Gifts disappear, time stands still, and the fog is weird...

These sudden incidents were mixed together one by one, clearly foreshadowing something.

Yun Si frowned slightly, slowly raised her head, and looked outside the mall.


A drop of water fell on the frosted glass door.


It rained again.

Time stood still, but it couldn't stop the icy rain.

The drizzle fell, once again, watering the city.

Yun Si stared at the rain, stared at the fog, her eyes passed through the people who were still moving, and her breathing gradually became rapid.


back, yes? (end of this chapter)

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