Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3090 Light Year Distance

Chapter 3090 Light-year distance (62)

The gears of time turned again.

At that moment-

That moment, the next second of breathing—

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry—" The mother who was holding the child bowed repeatedly and apologized.

The hustle and bustle resumed, and the code scanner in the cashier's hand made a "beep" sound, and the movement was fast, and the goods were passed one by one.

The team is moving forward, and the aunts in the raw vegetable area continue to compete for discounted vegetables.

The crying of children, the complaints of queuing, and the broadcast of TV news...everything is returning to normal.

It was as if time stood still just now, just a trace of human trance.

The rain outside is falling, and gradually, it has a tendency to become heavier.

The heavy rain wets the ground, making the air even more humid, and taking a breath seems to block the chest cavity.

Yun Si stopped in place, motionless, staring at the rain outside.

It took a long time before she looked away, sighed lightly, her rapid breathing lost momentum, and she slowly calmed down.

"It's okay, just be careful in the future." She said to the child's mother.

"Okay... okay, I'm really sorry..."

"Well, it's fine."




At the checkout counter, Yun Si put the items in the shopping cart on top.

The cashier moved quickly without looking up: "Do you need a bag?"

"Need not."

Yun Si brought her own bag, and after sweeping up the items, she put them away one by one.

"A total of 390 yuan and [-] cents." The cashier quickly tapped the machine a few times, waiting for her to pay.

While packing up her things, Yun Si took out her mobile phone from her satchel.

When it was about to be unlocked, a person next to him handed over the phone and put it on the machine to scan it.

"Drip - payment successful -"

The shopping receipts on the machine were spit out bit by bit.

Yun Si made sure and turned her head.

The man was standing beside her, who appeared at some unknown time—wearing a low-key and indifferent black coat, a black peaked cap, and a mask completely covering his face.

The face can't be seen clearly, but the skin on the neck is extremely white - the blood vessels can be seen clearly, extremely sickly white.

Like a vampire living in an old castle, he appeared here, turned into a human form, and tried to blend in.

Humanoid hands, beautiful and bony, hands with strands of blue veins visible, cold and dry, like old withered bark.

Under her dazed gaze, he took the environmental bag in her hand and put the rest of the things in it.

He didn't speak, and the brim of his hat was extremely low, so low that he couldn't see his face or expression clearly.

After packing up, he picked up a big bag with one hand and her with the other, and walked out of the mall.


It's still raining.

But the fog seems to be dissipating.

Compared with the cold hands in summer, the temperature seems to be a little higher.

There is a little warmth in the cold, not warm, but at least it can make people feel less cold.

He took her by the hand and stood at the entrance of the shopping mall. The rain was still falling, but the fog was gradually dissipating.

The sun penetrated the ever-weaker wet mist and shone on the ground, warming and dispelling the chill.

The cold rain refracted the light golden sunlight, colorful, dazzling and dazzling—like diamonds raining from the sky, shining brightly.


The rain splashed.

Time seemed to be slowing down—or perhaps, Yun Si unconsciously relaxed her breath.

She was staring at the person in front of her, staring all the time, slightly absent-minded, like a baby staring at her long-lost family.

The eyes did not blink, reflecting the sparkling light, quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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