Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3091 Light Year Distance

Chapter 3091 Light-year distance (63)

The eyes did not blink, reflecting the sparkling light, quietly.

He seemed to be in a dream, and also seemed to be a man who came out of his own imagination. His aura was as cold as frost and snow. His beautiful and slender figure resembled a human being, but it revealed strangeness and mystery everywhere.

His appearance, under the cover, where the sun can't shine, the damp mist fades under his feet, the sun is warm, but it is still difficult to dispel the coldness on his body.

Yun Si looked at him, he lowered his head, his jaw was stern, as if looking over, he was deserted.

【go home? 】

The voice that reappeared in her mind again was hoarse and dry, dull and low, like a dry butterfly, powerlessly landing on the rotten soil.

Lifeless, lifeless, coming from the infinite void.

Wrapped around her, like an ignorant child, with intimacy.

Yun Si's eyes trembled slightly, the bottom of the eyes was shining brightly from the sun, slightly moist and soft.

Like snow in winter, when it meets warmth, it slowly melts away.

The corners of her lips raised slightly, she held his hand instead, and shook it, "Okay, let's... go home."




The reunion when we meet again, there are not so many accidents, and there is not so much gossip, just met, he came to find her - took her hand actively.

The two held hands, like good friends they haven't seen for a long time, shaking and shaking, the atmosphere was warm and beautiful.

The rain stopped, the fog cleared, and the world showed its original appearance—wet, bright and clear, like a thick and colorful oil painting.

The sky is blue and the weather is getting better.

Yun Si led him towards the apartment, stepping on the icy cold rainwater that remained on the ground, walking next to him, shaking hands with each other, with a little childishness in the intimacy.

"Did you come back to see me? Did you miss me?"

"Did you bring me a present?"

"Remember to wear clothes this time, it's awesome!"

"I miss you so much, you know, before going to bed at night, I will think of you, I hope you can be safe and happy."

"We have been here for four years, how about yours? Has it been a long time?"

"What are you doing? Did you go to another planet? Did you meet a lot of interesting people?"


There were too many questions, and the joy of reunion made her feel like an excited and happy child at this moment, holding his hand and asking all the time.

Ask whatever comes to mind, and the questions never stop along the way.

It's just that the monster disguised under the human skin never answered her, but just listened quietly.

After returning to the community and entering the elevator, there was no one around, Yun Si tilted her body, and took the initiative to hug him, rubbing against him.

"What's the matter? Why don't you talk? Are you unhappy?"

She put her arms around him, tiptoed, leaned closer, leaned under the hat, and stared at his masked face.

Like a little fox coquettishly showing its belly, it's so squishy.

Wanting to get close to him, but wondering about his overly bland reaction.

Taking a closer look, he took the initiative to rub against him again.

The man who was dressed in black and kept silent all the time did not answer, but raised his hand slightly and put his arms around her waist.


The elevator opened.

Yun Si hugged him and took his hand, "Here we are."

She took him to the door of the house, entered the password, and opened the door.

"Hey, I'll just live here, not in the previous rented house, if you want to come to me in the future, come here—"

A sudden force pressed her against the wall, and the man's damp and cold breath enveloped her.

(End of this chapter)

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