Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3092 Light Year Distance

A sudden force pressed her against the wall, and the man's damp and cold breath enveloped her.

Like a man-eating ghost, he has been hungry for too long, and his movements are chaotic and eager.

The purchased food was casually discarded nearby, and the door was left open before it could even be closed.

The corridor was quiet, deserted and empty, the mist dissipated, but it seemed not to dissipate, the moist breath spread wantonly in the dark, like tiny snake eels intertwined, constantly writhing and flexible body, penetrating everywhere.

The person who was pressed against the wall tried to push the monster that lost control for a while and became like a mad dog.

Can't push.

"Cough—" She even choked on her saliva, "Cough cough—"

The plainness of the reunion seemed to disappear completely at this moment, and it became boiling, boiling like boiling water.

The door that could not be closed in the future was slowly closed by the wind, blowing from nowhere.

On the ground, I lost my mask, took off my hat, and took off my coat.

The icy body seems to hide endless magma, wantonly, no longer under control.

"Wait...wait a minute..."

She pushed him as hard as she could, and finally pushed -- and they were separated, only slightly.

Without the cover of the mask, the humanoid face of the monster appeared in front of her eyes.

Pale and handsome face, deep, lacquered eyes like the void of the universe, too black, as black as a rotten and smelly mouse, with a deep desire that he didn't even realize.

The human skin is smooth, but the monster under the human skin is excited and uncontrollable.

The flat and beautiful human skin was hollowed out by an unknown, strip-shaped piece of meat, and there were irregular and creepy sharp horns on the top——

The fragile human skin seemed to be pierced, revealing the original, extremely ugly, disgusting face of the monster.

Yun Si panted slightly, her beautiful eyes were wet, she put her hands on his shoulders, and looked at him.

Her lips were red, and even a little swollen. The padded jacket on her body was taken off, halfway off, and hung loosely on her body.

Looking a little embarrassed, her cheeks were also red, red from suffocation.

Like a poor princess who has been kidnapped and in trouble, she is alone, facing the ugly monster whose emotions have been out of control for a while.

You can't be afraid, you have to comfort him with a gentle voice.

She calmed her breathing, and with her ruddy, candy-like mouth, she opened her mouth and said softly, "Just a kiss, don't be so... hard."

Slowly withdrawing her movement against him, she took off her thick coat and hung it aside.

The monster hugged her up again, and when she turned around and hung up her clothes, like a large humanoid dog, its strong and powerful arms hugged her and tightened.

The cold and damp breath, like a mouse that has been blinded by the sun all year round in a stinky ditch, its eyes are red from hunger, and it wants to guard her every step of the way, unable to leave even a step.

【I miss you. 】

Behind her, the head buried in the hollow of her neck made another snoring sound.

Urgent, messy, and seemed a bit bored—the boredom of not being able to get her response.

Yun Si tilted her head slightly and curled her lips, "Well, I miss you too."

While talking, she rummaged through the bag that was left in the corner, found out the frozen food inside, and then dragged a large oil bottle to put the things in the refrigerator.

Put the ones that were going to be put in the refrigerator first, she washed her hands and turned around.

"Do you want to kiss?"

She asked with a smile.

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