Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3093 Light Year Distance

The monster was about to move - Yun Si covered his mouth, "Wait, go to the room."

The humanoid monster stared at her with black and gray eyes, and seemed to turn its head.

The big lion, who seems to be somewhat innocent, doesn't quite understand why he can't kiss here.

Although he couldn't understand it, he listened when she said it.

Yun Si led him into the room, closed the door, pressed him against the wall, supported him with both hands, and smiled: "How long have you been back this time? Did you come back for me?"

There were no kisses or hugs as expected, and the monster's grunt was louder, like a tractor, expressing a bit of irritability and dissatisfaction.

He wanted to hug her, to return to her warm and soft embrace, he lowered his head, and hugged her like a big tiger with a bad temper.

[Want to hug. 】

Yun Si hugged him without thinking.

[I want to kiss. 】

Yun Si gave a straight mouthful.

【I still want to...】

"You answer my question first." Yun Si was in a good mood and almost responded to every request.

"Gift, did you bring me a present?"

The gurgling sound became quieter, and he paused for a long time, before slowly returning: 【Don't go. 】

Yun Si followed the movement of his back and stopped, "What?"

【No, I won't go. 】

Yun Si froze on the spot for nearly ten seconds, opened her mouth, but suddenly lost her voice.

"Do you... want to stay here...?"

Her first reaction was, would it be dangerous for him to stay here?Aliens, stay on the earth for a long time - will the body not adapt?

The second reaction is-if he stays here, what will happen to his hometown?There, will there be family members waiting for him?
Yun Si was in a complicated mood, and was about to let go of him slowly, but the monster seemed to sense her thoughts, and his tone became lighter and calmer: 【No. 】

[I will not perish, survival is an easy thing for me. 】

Using a human analogy, it is probably like a cockroach that has survived for hundreds of millions of years. No matter whether it is in a magnificent environment with plenty of food, or in a dirty, smelly environment with no food and full of pesticides Li - can live.

The cockroach is an existence that is hated and reviled by human beings, and he——is an existence that is abandoned by the universe and regarded as garbage, an existence that can live and exist no matter what.

He said calmly: [I am me, there is only one, I won’t go, I don’t want to go. 】

He is the garbage of the universe, an existence that is sought after when it is useful, and discarded when it is useless—he does not want to return to this long and endless time and space.

It's boring and difficult.

"But... if you don't go back, is it okay?"

Yun Si touched his face and frowned slightly, "If you don't go back, will you..."

"Just like last time, you have to go, have to go..."

【Last time, I went to solve the trouble. The trouble is solved. From now on, there will be no more annoying guys to bother us. 】

His thick black and hollow eyes stared at her without a trace of fluctuation—like a demon with countless blood on his hands, killing someone, but still understated and calm.

Inexplicably terrifying, his words, after thinking about it, always feel weird and send chills down the spine.

There is a poisonous snake with a full stomach, lurking in the dark, watching your feelings motionless.

Snake Xinzi confides from time to time, his eyes are green and sinister.

Yun Si looked at him, silent.

He picked up a strand of hair on her cheek, slowly.

[In the future, I can stay. 】

[Let's live together, shall we? ] (End of this chapter)

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