Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3097 Light Year Distance

Chapter 3097 Light-year distance (69)

He didn't want to leave, but couldn't explain why.

Like a beast locked in an invisible cage, walking back and forth, frantically wanting to get out, but can't figure it out.


He didn't know what bothered him either.

All I know is that the current Krusk is an eyesore.

Kill them, he thought.

In this way, there will be no more annoying guys telling him to leave his Bosria.

Killed them all, just right.




After the rain, the sky cleared, the sun came out, and the weather was gradually warming up.

The fog dissipated, and the warm sunlight shone on the humid city. The reinforced concrete shone brightly, and the sunlight reflected colorful colors.

Like diamonds, the whole city is covered with beautiful colorful diamonds.

The accumulated water on the roads is flowing along the sewers, and the trees on the main roads of the city are dripping with residual rainwater.

The wind was blowing, and scattered the fallen leaves everywhere on the ground, as if celebrating the new life of the city after the rain.

On the road, vehicles gradually increased, shops opened, pedestrians went out, and everything returned to the city's original bustling appearance.

Cars come and go, there is an endless stream.

The weather was fine, Yun Si opened the curtains so that the sun could shine into the apartment and dissipate the chill.

The monster, wearing only a large T-shirt, stuck to her body like a snake without bones.

Hugging, the sound of snoring never stopped.

Like a walking tractor, it rings wherever it goes.


He's a big sticky guy.

Yun Si, who was about to pack up, pushed him, "Go sit down, I have to clean up."

When the weather turned better, he came back, just in time to clean up and see what to buy for him.

Such as clothes, shoes, daily necessities, etc...

【Do not. 】

The monster who had just come back and was at its peak clinginess didn't want to let her go at all.

She tried to push him, and his snoring became quieter, but it was still there.

【Hold for a while. 】

He always wanted to occupy her and didn't want her to focus on other things.

【I miss you. 】

The time he left should have been insignificant to him—four years on earth, in his eyes, were no different from four minutes or four hours.

He didn't know how long time had passed, he only knew that he hadn't seen her for a long, long time.

Missing is really a terrible thing, it can make the time that passes normally become extremely slow.

He missed her, and thought of running back with the fastest speed.

[I don't want to separate. 】

He snorted and said.

"..." Yun Si turned her head to look at him, her heart softened suddenly, "There is no separation."

She whispered, "I want to clean the house, so I welcome you."


[How is tomorrow?Tomorrow, we will clean together. 】

In front of her, he unconsciously revealed a completely opposite side to his usual vicious appearance——

His behavior is domineering and tough, but his language is inexplicably poking at people's hearts.

He obviously doesn't understand anything, but what he says is like a blank sheet of paper.

Yun Si curled her lips together, "Um... are you begging me?"

【Um. 】

"Then please beg me."

【please. 】

"..." Tsk, he really...

The tip of Yun Si's tongue slightly pressed against the palate, suppressing the inexplicable itchiness rising up in her throat.

I really want to kiss, I really want to...

[Yes, you can do whatever you want. 】

(End of this chapter)

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