Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3098 Light Year Distance

"..." Yun Si coughed lightly, "I don't want to do anything."

Say it like that, as if she were a rascal.

The monster didn't speak, as if he didn't want to expose her. If she didn't take the initiative, he took the initiative himself.

He hugged her and brought her sticky to the bed.

[I want to kiss. 】 He said.

He wanted to be with her forever, forever and ever.

Yun Si was pushed down again, and then he pushed her up.

【I think...】


Coming from the depths of the universe, the extremely ups and downs and desolate voice sang like a sea monster, low, silent and hot.

The stars flickered, the fire shuttled, and countless debris floated in the vast black hole.

The black hole vortex is constantly expanding and devouring, sucking everything around it into it.

In front of it, the human soul is only a weak and helpless existence like a speck of dust.

The deep and sudden fall, the feeling of weightlessness is frightening and bewildering.

Falling into the boundless depths of darkness, she couldn't catch anything, there was no life-saving straw, and no place to land, only the endless coldness in the depths of darkness accompanied her.

Sensory closure.

The soul gradually fainted.

"Um... hot..."




As far as the monster is concerned, his time is too much-too much, too much, endlessly, endlessly.

In his early years, he lived a monotonous and boring life, lonely and numb, not knowing the passage of time, and never looking forward to the future.

Time is just a series of numbers to him—a number that he never needs to care about.

He has never been the one who can be bound by cold numbers.

He is free from everything in the universe and is not bound by any rules—maybe the Chuangshi God abandoned him, or maybe it was the supreme gift that the Chuangshi God gave him due to his negligence.

He doesn't care, and never pays attention, he just wants to be with his Bosria, just to keep her.

Such a simple wish, he thought he could keep realizing it forever.

But he didn't want to—he ignored his own eternal life, and also ignored...

Human life is short.

Incomparably short, like a meteor flashing across the sky, only a blink of an eye——

There is no more.

Life, with the passage of time little by little, is counting down - time can't restrain him, can't change him, but it is cruelly pointing the sharp blade at his Bosria.

She is aging little by little, in the passage of time.

The fine lines at the corners of the eyes appeared shallowly, the skin on the hands slowly became thin and loose, and all the organs of the body became stiff and decayed under the merciless knife of time.

She was getting old, under the effect of the string of time that he ignored.

Although she always smiles and never mentions the change of her age, 30 years old, 40 years old, 50 years old...

In the peaceful and happy time, he became too dull, foolish and stupid, suddenly unaware of the cruelty of time passing.

People's life and death are often played on TV, and human culture also regards aging and death as the end of human life. He has seen it, but he always scoffs at it.

Until, suddenly one day——he found a few strands of white hair hidden in Yun Si's soft and beautiful black hair.

White hair symbolizes that she is getting old. Even though she is aging much slower than ordinary people, she is still irresistible—the rule of time, the rule of nature.

Her life has an end, which means that one day, time will take her away.

Take her away from him.

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