Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3099 Light Year Distance

The monster became a little dazed.

The first response was blank.

Like a child with low intelligence, foolishly, fixed in place.

A bad premonition faintly appeared in his heart, but he subconsciously resisted this premonition that he didn't dare to imagine.

Anxiety, panic, restlessness, fear...

His emotional enlightenment comes entirely from her, and it all starts from her.

Thoughts are stagnant, but emotions are about to get out of control in an instant.

The hand holding the wooden comb trembled slightly, and he was completely fixed behind Yun Si, as if he had lost his soul, sluggish and lifeless.

His fingers were so cold that they were stiff, mechanically stiff.


The comb was broken by his sudden force.

Yun Si, with half-wet and half-dry hair, was sitting by the bed, about to apply moisturizer,
His inexplicable abnormality made her notice it, and she turned around, "What's wrong——"

The monster hugged her, and before she had time to react, he suddenly hugged her vigorously.

It seems to be panicked, but also seems to be lost, so you must hold on tightly.

[Will you die? 】

The grunting sound from his chest was quick and intense, like a trapped lion, frightened and a little out of control.

"Gulu Gulu... Gulu Gulu..."

Like a beast of stress, manic, depressed, and out of control.

Not daring to think about the faintly strong premonition, his cold lips trembled a little, and he kissed her cheek.

One, one, another.

Feeling her still warm body temperature, it seemed like this was the only way to confirm her existence - she didn't want to leave him.


It is not the comfortable and pleasant sound of the tractor, but the dull sound of rushing and irritating.

It indicates the extreme tension of his emotions at the moment.

Yun Si was hugged tightly by him, a little dazed, not knowing why he suddenly asked.

Sensing his strange emotional changes, she thought for a while, touched his face, and replied: "Well...people are bound to die."

After all, she paused at the end of her words, as if she had realized something, "Are you afraid that I will die?"

The grunting became louder, almost trembling, as if someone was hammering his chest heavily—humming, the cavity was expanding and contracting violently, as if he was about to suffocate.

He couldn't hear such words—he couldn't hear the word death.

Because he knew that the death that humans talked about was what he knew—destruction.

She would leave him, and he would—not find her.

He didn't dare to think about the consequences - just thinking about it, he thought, he would die too.

After a short period of happiness, throw him back into the lonely darkness again, leave him, and he will go crazy.

[Don't mention this word. 】

He covered his trembling lips violently, trying to block her, not wanting her to say such words.

Happiness had paralyzed him so stupidly that he—completely, ignored everything.

Time, for the first time, had a fear of it, a fear he had never had before.

In the past, he was not controlled by it and could treat it like an ant, but now——

A wet but eager kiss came over her, Yun Si couldn't avoid it, "Don't—wait..."

He rushed towards him like a hungry dog, she held his face hard, fixed it, and took a deep breath.

"Listen to me first—"

He held her tightly with his hand, "Snoring..." [I want to kiss. 】

Yun Si looked straight into his eyes, very serious, "I won't leave you, I promise."

"Even if... my body dies, I will not leave. As long as you are still here, I will be here."

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