Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3100 Light Year Distance

His fingertips were cold, speechless, and looked at her silently.

The sudden silence was like the stagnation in the air after the porcelain was dropped heavily.

Maybe her gaze was too firm, or maybe he didn't want to imagine the bad ending at all.

When she said it, he seemed to be grasping at a straw, eagerly, without explanation, and forcefully, making himself believe it.

He hugged her, with a heavy grunt, empty and depressing, trembling and rustling as if invisible hands were strangling his life.

【we have a deal. 】

[Absolutely, don't lie to me. 】

He trusted her so much and liked her so much, if she lied to him——

Yun Si's eyes were slightly bent, and she hugged his big body.

Stupid monster, after being a human being for so long, he still doesn't look like a human being—often like a sticky dog, ready to lean into her arms as soon as he clings.


The voice from his chest was still tense, urgent, and stiff.

Like a trapped animal, it is stressful, and it is always difficult to calm down.

Yun Si thought for a while, and coaxed him: "How about we hook up?"

"If I lie to you, I'm a puppy."

He buried himself in her arms, regardless of his size, she stretched out her hand to hook him up, but he didn't respond.

The grunt expressing his anxiety gradually became lower and lighter, and he became quiet again.

For a long time.

Yun Si took the initiative to hook his hand, but he avoided it, like a child with emotions.

I don't want to pull the hook and lose my temper.

Yun Si had no choice but to kiss him, saying in a good voice, "Really, I promise you, I will never leave you, absolutely."

[What guarantee do you take? 】

After he had calmed down, he suddenly became cold.

Yun Si was taken aback.

He slowly raised his head, with extremely thick black eyes, he stared at her somewhat darkly - close up, with no expression on his face.

Like a programmed robot, gray, cold, sharp, and inexplicably aggressive.

It's cloudy and cloudy, and it's difficult to distinguish between emotions and anger.

【You're gone, you lied to me, I can't find you, what can I do with you? 】

The extremely fragile happiness in front of him seemed to stimulate him, and after a short period of confusion and helplessness - he was becoming calm.

As if he had separated himself, he became a third party on the sidelines, watching all this coldly and analyzing calmly.

[Even if you become a puppy, what's the use? 】

It's just a comforting word, isn't it?

Yun Si looked at him as if he had fallen into some extreme state of hysteria, and the movements of grabbing her gradually became more vigorous——

The pale and flimsy skin was bulging—groups of unknown lumps of flesh were bulging crazily, clamoring, as if they were going to burst the fragile skin.

He was becoming distorted, his handsome and fair face seemed to be crumpled into paper by someone, and his pleasing appearance was no longer—the original appearance of the monster was about to appear.

【If, you lied to me...】

The hoarse voice gradually became sharp and piercing, like a noisy electric current, screaming out of control.

The ugly, embarrassing and crazy side lay in front of her like a pile of mud.

【If, you lied to me——】

High-frequency screams shook the window glass, and the sound of violent wind came.

The sticky and wet tentacles sprouted again at some point, and slowly, like poisonous snakes, wrapped around her legs.

Biting coldness eroded her, becoming more and more uncontrollable.

Yun Si tightened her fingers, looked at his crazy appearance, and stood up.

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