Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3101 Light Year Distance

Chapter 3101 Light-year distance (73)

The tentacles wrapped around her so firmly that she almost lost her footing.

The monster was restraining her, holding her hand firmly, she leaned against him, and gently breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you believe in the existence of souls?"

He didn't say a word, his human skin was torn, and his webbed, sharp and weird hand like an eagle's claw held her down.

Yun Si said softly: "The soul is the master of the human body. The human body can be destroyed, but the soul cannot."

"My soul will always be there, no matter when and where, it will never disappear."

"You can find me, I won't leave, I will..."

The fragrance of flowers permeated the air—an inexplicable fragrance, accompanied by the warm and clear red aura, and her soft sigh.

Dots of stars, like fireflies descending, warm and eye-catching colors, the wind is coming - the hot temperature from hell.

The body gradually lost strength, and the warm, extremely pure light appeared amidst the constant pull.

Long and light, the warm wind blew the breath of hell.

The endless fiery red descended like a phoenix, and she sighed lightly, hiding between the soft and moist vermilion lips.

Gently covering it, the thin white fingers, glowing with a radiant, moist red light, fell on his ugly face.

Soothing, with a temperature like fire.

"Trust me, fool."

At that moment, his manic voice disappeared.




Ever since he appeared in front of him that time, Yun Si found that he seemed to have become a curious baby.

After being appeased, I would stick to her every day - get close and stare at her face.

The kind that can't be pushed no matter how you push it.

Yun Si was working, and he was touching her face gently.

[Why, the soul and body look different? 】

"Huh? will be a little different." Yun Si was busy writing the materials while distractedly answering, "Probably because she is afraid of being found by bad people. She looks different so that others will not be able to recognize her." .”

[However, I will not recognize it. 】

Yun Si turned to look at him and blinked, "You will, don't you recognize me?"

"If I change my face, it will be completely different from now..."

【No, I will recognize you. 】

He hugged her with a calm face.

[No matter what you become, I can find you. 】

"..." Yun Si curled her lips slightly.

After a while, his cold hand touched her again, slowly, as if touching her soul through her body.

Little by little, be careful and gentle, for fear of breaking it.

【very nice. 】

He stared at her and said suddenly.

Yun Si: "Huh?"

【Very nice, I... like it very much. 】

He was staring at her, and he didn't know whether he was complimenting her face or something else.

"..." Yun Si coughed lightly, suppressing her smile, "Like me? Or do you like...?"

He looked at her quietly, with his big head slowly resting on her shoulder, breathing quietly.

[I like you everywhere. 】

His emotions began with her, took root, thrived, and grew out of her.

In ignorance, gradually, become mature.

Like, what a beautiful word.

Just thinking about it makes me feel good.

He touches her face for a while, pokes her nose for a while, plays with her hair for a while, and clings to her quietly with his eyes downcast.

Just being with him made him happy.


The familiar tractor sound, deep and loud.


(End of this chapter)

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