Chapter 3133 Who am I...? (30)

"..." The voice of the chief director who was about to make a decision suddenly stopped, and then he became furious.

"Who cares about Mr. Li and Mr. Wang?! I can fuck him, if he wants to withdraw his investment, he will withdraw! I still need an investment from him?"

The chief director is famous for his bad temper. When he gets angry, everyone else immediately becomes afraid to speak.

"Stop saying anything, you - what's your name..." He looked down at the registration form.

"Oh, Yun Si, right? Come and sign the contract whenever is convenient for you. This role is yours."


Qiao Qiaoqiao, who was waiting on the side, covered her mouth with excitement and wanted to jump up on the spot.


She looked towards the stage and stomped with excitement.

"..." The assistant director who just interrupted wanted to say something else.

But because so many people were watching, he didn't say anything.

After Yun Si finished the audition, changed her clothes and left, he pulled the chief director aside.

"Brother Lin, do you want to take another look at this role? Don't rush to sign." He said tactfully.

"Li is always the biggest investor in our project. The success of our project is due to the various sponsors brought in by Mr. Li, and... Mr. Lin also said that this role should be shown to her before the decision is made, and we cannot agree without authorization. …”

Teacher Lin - Lin Shuyan, the lead female lead in this play, is the reincarnation of this character. Many sponsors came here because of her.

What the assistant director didn't say was - how could the female lead be able to bear this choice of a small supporting role that was prettier than the lead actress?
If the drama is aired, all the audience's attention will be on this eye-catching supporting role...

I'm afraid it's not going to piss off a lot of people.

He said it tactfully, the chief director calmed down, and seemed to have thought of this.

"Damn it." He couldn't help but cursed, "Doesn't this newcomer have more potential than Lin Shuyan?"

I don’t know what those sponsors think. They don’t want the gold, but they want to support those ugly ones.

As the chief director of the entire play, he couldn't even choose anyone.

Fuck it.

"Brother Lin, let's take a look again." The assistant director said, "Look again." "..." The chief director gritted his teeth and resented it.




After coming out of the theater where the audition took place, Yun Si's mood was always low - there was no joy at all about being chosen.

While driving, Qiao Qiaoqiao was very excited and chattered.

Yun Si sat in the passenger seat and remained silent, only responding occasionally.

He was not in high spirits and seemed a little tired.

Qiao Qiaoqiao saw that she had been very quiet, and slowly she stopped talking.

Silently tuned the music on the car, from cheerful jumping wind to melodious and soothing piano music.

Yun Si was sitting in the car, looking out the window, lost in thought, not knowing what she was thinking.

Back at the hotel, Qiao Qiaoqiao wisely did not disturb her and let her rest.

She sat quietly for a while by herself and stayed there for a long time, then walked out of the room and went upstairs.

Go up to the eighteenth floor and knock on the door.

The door opened.

Before the person inside even said anything, she hugged him tightly.

The man stopped moving.

"what happened?"

His slightly cold hand fell on her back, his palm was wide, and the ink-colored ring was cold, "Did someone bully you?"

"..." Yun Si didn't speak, only shook her head.

His mood was low, like a pitiful little thing drooping all over, wilted, lost and sad.

(End of this chapter)

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