Chapter 3134 Who am I...? (31)

The emotionally stable man caressed her and said nothing, as if waiting for her to speak.

Long time, long time.

Perhaps she was a little tired from standing, so she raised her head and asked eagerly, "Can I go in and sit down?"

Although he said in the morning that he was still angry and had not forgiven her yet, but...

He didn't say anything, grabbed her hand and led her inside.

As soon as Yun Si sat down, she took the initiative to lean into his arms and hug him, as if she had no energy and wanted to draw energy from him.

He was silent, scratching his arm from time to time.


The person she was holding grabbed her arm and looked at it.

It's okay, white and clean, no scars, only the red marks left by scratching herself.

She lay in his arms and said, "It hurts."

Like a sick baby, hum.

"Where does it hurt?"

He tried to check her body.

But she shook her head, "It's not hurt, it's just..."

How should she put it? It was probably that she was in a bit of a drama and hadn't come out yet.

I can feel the pain - in the play, the pain is particularly helpless and hopeless.

She said: "I just went for an audition, and the director asked me to try out an escape scene - in the scene, I was injured, being chased, and kept running."

"I'm a little sad because her ending was really tragic."

When he heard that she was not injured, the man stopped moving. She murmured something, and he listened quietly and held her in his arms.

"She's dead." At this point, her nose felt a little sore for no reason.

"No matter how hard she ran, no matter how hard she ran, she was caught and died in the end."

"She was scared, I could feel it."

"Would it be weird if I said this?"

The man did not object to her immediately, but silently hugged her tightly.

"will not."

Although it's not clear why, there is a reason, so it's not surprising.Yun Si thought for a moment, but what she didn't say was - maybe she had also had such an experience of being chased.

Because I have experienced it, I can relate to it more.

She buried herself in his arms and took a deep, soothing breath.

Trying hard to disperse the inexplicable depression in my heart.

Muffledly, it really made her feel uncomfortable.

She was quiet for a while and said, "Otherwise, I won't play this role, what do you think?"

"Do you want to act?" he asked.

Yun Si didn't answer, as if he was hesitating.

If you hesitate, it means you want to act.


"Can you show me the script?" he asked suddenly.

"Huh? The script is in my room downstairs. Do you want to read it?" After saying that, she got up.

He also stood up and said, "Let's go down together."

Yun Si paused for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "Ah, you're not angry anymore?"

When he woke up in the morning, he was still a little angry and looked cold to her. He ignored her and refused to say a word. Why now...

"..." The man looked at her calmly, his eyes darkening slightly, "Aren't you sad?"

Not sad, but he will continue to be angry.

He didn't say this out loud, but Yun Si seemed to hear what he meant.

Her smile froze and she hugged him quickly, "No, no, no, it's sad, sad, I'm still unhappy."

he really is-

It seems that between two people, only one person can be unhappy.

We can't both be unhappy and have a cold war with each other.

Looking at him, Yun Si's depressed mood suddenly improved, she felt warm and her heart felt warm.

"Let's go, let's go down together."


(End of this chapter)

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