Chapter 3135 Who am I...? (32)

After going downstairs and just getting out of the elevator——

Yun Si saw Wen Ci standing at the door of her room.

He was wearing a thin gray sports coat and hat, with a fair side face, and was leaning quietly against the door.

In his hand, he was also carrying a large thermal box.

It seemed that he was here to deliver dinner to her.

As soon as the elevator door opened, he seemed to feel something, raised his head, and looked in the direction where they were.

First he fell on Yun Si, as gentle as ever, and then looked behind her——

The two men looked at each other, one as calm as water, and the other with cold eyes, without a trace of ripples in his eyes.

Their eyes met, but there was no sound.

But there was a faint smell of gunpowder, like two evil tigers meeting on a narrow road. They were equally powerful and refused to give way to anyone. At that moment, the atmosphere seemed to become a little cold.

The air was frozen in place.

Yun Si looked at Wen Ci, then turned to look at her man.

She walked over and swiped the card to open the door.

"Brother, when did you come? Have you been waiting for a long time?"

As soon as she spoke, Wen Ci's eyes turned to her.

The tense brows and eyes relaxed slightly, became gentle, and said good-naturedly: "It didn't take long, I just arrived, just a few minutes."

"Oh, all right.

Yun Si pulled the person behind her and introduced: "Brother, this is Lin Tingmu, my...boyfriend."

Counting the previous life, it was actually a married relationship. However, the identity has changed in this life, and the marriage relationship can only be restarted.

"Amu, this is my brother. The brother who is very good to me is called Wen Ci."

After introducing each other, Wen Ci took the lead in extending his hand, smiling and looking very friendly, "Hello."

The monster hidden under the human form was cold and indifferent, looking at him without saying anything or responding.

It has nothing to do with being polite or not. He doesn't like to be in contact with others, and Yun Si knows this.

Wen Ci's friendly hand was still in the air, and Yun Si was about to think about shaking hands on his behalf.Unwillingly, the monster stretched out his hand.


Shake hands politely, then withdraw.

When they met for the first time, both of them were extremely polite.

It's hard to say whether they dislike each other, at least neither of them showed it clearly in their words and deeds.

The monster had a cold attitude and seemed not to take Wen Ci seriously.

As for Wen Ci, his eyebrows were calm and he couldn't tell what he was thinking in his heart, so he smiled.

"..." Yun Si felt something was wrong.

After entering the room, Wen Ci lifted the thermos box to the dining table and opened it.

Yun Si did not forget the purpose of going downstairs, went back to the room, picked up the script, and handed it to Lin Tingmu.

"It's time to eat, Si Si."

Wen Ci laid out the food and called her.

Yun Si came to the dining table, looked at the warm food on the table, and sighed.

"Brother, you really don't have to worry about it in the future. I will prepare the food myself."

The monster holding the script stood behind Yun Si.

His eyes swept over him lightly, without saying anything, he just said: "I'll come next time."

Wen Ci raised his eyebrows, "You?"

This tone seemed to be questioning him.

"..." His cold eyes met his, "Is there a problem?"

"I can't tell." Wen Ci said, "You don't look like you can cook. Don't you want to trouble my sister-in-law to serve you?"

These words seemed to be mocking him, mocking his arrogance for being aloof and not taking anyone seriously.

Your young master, you don’t need to worry about anything, you just need to wait for others to take care of you, and you don’t need to move a finger.

Isn't this what he is supposed to be like?
(End of this chapter)

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