The location of the ghost mausoleum is changeable. Just like its name, it looks like a ghost or a phantom - you don't know where it will appear in the next second.

Random and unpredictable, it is scary.

Mosquitoes in the jungle are not scary, and there is a chance to escape from the mouth of a poisonous snake, but once you step into the ghost mausoleum, you want to find out what's going on -

The outcome is unknown.

The elder said sincerely: "After entering the Ghost Tomb, no one can come out again. Please think twice whether you want to continue to pursue me. Once you enter, the Ghost Tomb will punish everyone who steps in, without exception." Sir, please think carefully and don't be rude."

He had made his words very clear and wanted the leader to understand the horror of Ghost Tomb.

The leader is not a fool either - an elite selected from tens of millions of soldiers, the new king's most capable general, will naturally consider the danger involved.

Especially - the elder grew up in the jungle since he was a child, so he is extremely familiar with this place and has quite a lot of experience.

They were able to get here smoothly because of his guidance and help. The leader still listened to his words.


"Are you sure that no one can come out? Or is there another way to go through this ghost mausoleum?"

The elder said: "Sir, Guiling will never forgive any trespassers. No matter who they are, the final outcome will be death, without exception."

"..." The leader fell into silence for a while.

With a large knife still stained with blood tied to his waist, he walked back and forth for a while, constantly looking down the slope.

Like a hungry wolf, he was staring at the lower body of fat, his mouth watering.

It took a lot of effort to catch up until now, but now we are about to catch up.

The achievement he had achieved was right in front of him, less than a hundred meters away, so he was asked to give up at this time——

It’s really unreasonable.

Seeing that he still wanted to go in, the elder added: "Your Excellency, you can wait a moment, and the defector will not be able to escape."

"This ghost mausoleum has only an entrance and no exit. You can just wait here. If the defector is lucky enough not to enter by mistake, he will climb up from here. You can rest assured." These words did not make the leader feel at ease. instead--

He raised his hand and a soldier stepped forward.

"You, go down and have a look."

The soldier was stunned for a moment and hesitated: "...Yes."

The slope is very steep, with an inclination angle of about sixty or seventy degrees, and the top is covered with flaky gravel - at first glance, it looks like a sharp vertical knife hidden in the dark.

The person who just lost his balance and lost his center of gravity fell from here, causing the gravel to roll away, exposing the bones hidden under the layers of gravel.

Sparkling white bones are vaguely visible, some weathered into dry ones, some chewed into pieces...

It's not difficult to imagine if you take a peek - the gravel is so low that there are countless bodies buried there.

The soldier who was ordered stood on the slope and looked down, hesitating.

"Hurry up, don't waste time!"

"..." The soldier could only go down bravely.

"Woo..." The dog that was still barking crazily just now was silent now.

They all stopped and did not come forward.

The soldier held on to the slope and went down carefully - the bottom of the slope was extremely loose, like foam, and it was impossible to step on the stress points.

His center of gravity dropped, he let go, and lost his balance in an instant.


The gravel rolled down in large chunks, like a conveyor belt, transporting those who stepped in ignorantly into the depths of darkness——(End of Chapter)

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