Chapter 3141 Who am I...? (38)

Those who step in ignorantly will be transported to the depths of darkness - a place where light cannot be found, where there is an extremely frightening unknown.

Black, extremely long, extremely deep, bottomless.

The soldiers who slid down didn't even have time to cry out before they were swallowed up by the darkness.

Everything was swallowed up, including sounds, including torches.

There was no sound, no call for help, everything came to an abrupt end.

On the slope, the leader looked down.

"How's it going--"

The sound was so loud that it could be heard throughout the jungle.

But under the shroud of darkness, the sound seemed to be cut off - the soldiers who went down did not respond, or even made a sound.

Under the blood moon, the coquettish light shrouded this huge canyon, faintly, like a ghost, soothing the white bones on the ground.

Wind, cool wind, with the smell of unknown corruption, seems to be blowing from below.

huh... huh...

It was as if the ghost was laughing at the dinner they gave it.

Quiet, everything is silent.

Even the dog was extremely quiet, parked aside with its tail hanging down, looking back and forth, becoming a little restless for no reason.

"..." The leader picked up a stone on the ground and threw it down.

Throwing it out of the light, into the deep darkness, the stone rang.

It looks normal.

Throwing the torch down again, this time - the light was directly swallowed up by the darkness.

It disappeared in an instant, disappearing under the seemingly normal stone slope without a trace.

At this time, everyone who witnessed it with their own eyes stopped saying anything.

The leader also stopped moving.

Quiet, everyone is quiet.

After a moment of silence, the leader gave the order:

"Everyone, stay put and stand by."






it hurts...

The pain was so painful that I lost consciousness and didn't know where I was.

The barking of the dog that had been chasing her disappeared, and everything was quiet.

When he opened his eyes again - the man covered in scars could no longer move.

She fell from a high place without any buffer. At this moment, she was like a rag doll that was thrown heavily. Her fingers were trembling but she could not move.

It hurts, my whole body hurts.

She tried hard to open her eyes, but couldn't.

The dust flew up and fell mercilessly on her face and body. As soon as her eyes opened, she was stimulated to tears.

She panted, breathing hard, hard.

The trembling eyelashes were wet and red.

The moment she fell, she was dazed, her mind went blank, and she didn't know what had happened to her.

This nightmare is really long, so long, it seems to have no end.

She couldn't move, she was so cold, her whole body was cold and stiff.

She didn't know where this place was, she only knew that she might die.

You can't move or run, and if they catch up, the only result will be death.

With tears streaming down her face, she tried hard to breathe, tried hard to get up, and tried hard to hold on.



It seemed like something had slipped down from above.

Sharp gravel fell from a high place and hit her unable to move body hard.

In the white fog, a figure appeared.

They were soldiers who were ordered to come down to investigate the situation.

Sliding down the high slope, he was still a little nervous and timid.

But soon, the white mist dissipated, and he saw the weak girl lying on the ground, fragile and trembling, like a butterfly with broken wings——

The soldier's original cautious expression changed instantly.

Like a scurrying weasel, he ran to the dying girl and squatted down.

"your Highness."

(End of this chapter)

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