Chapter 3165 Who am I...? (62)

It was late at night when we got back to the hotel.

When she was about to enter the hotel door, Yun Si finally stopped for a moment, turned her head slightly and glanced back.

Someone was following them, she always knew, but...

"What's wrong?" Lin Tingmu, who was holding her hand, followed her gaze and looked back.

It was late at night and there was no one else outside the hotel except the receptionist on duty.

The street lights outside were bright, reflecting the empty road. It was dark at night, but only the road was bright, stretching long and into the darkness.

Quietly and vaguely, the sound of rain falling sparsely could be heard.

It rained again.

The continuous drizzle made everything blurry, like a ghost or a shadow, like a lifeless oil paper painting.

The unknown place is baring its teeth and claws, dragging and pulling people's eyes deeply, making people sink.

He had seen it, only glanced at it, then he averted his gaze, looked at her, and held her hand slightly tightly.

"It's late, let's go back."

He wanted to tell her to go back and not care about the unimportant people around her.

She lowered her eyes, thought for a moment, and then said: "You go back first, I... will follow you later."

After saying this, this man, who was already feeling uneasy and insecure, felt as if something broke in his heart. He subconsciously hugged her, tightly and with extra force.

"No, no, we have to be together."

"We agreed to be together, but you want to leave me again?"

He hugged her tightly, as if she felt cold, his voice was low and pitiful, and it was clearly trembling, trembling, trembling, and his teeth were clenching.

Once he was bitten by a snake, and after ten years of being afraid of well ropes, the inexplicable sense of panic and uneasiness began to become intense, stimulating him directly.

The arms holding her continued to tighten, and he breathed a little rapidly. The color of his pupils was deepening and deepening, and countless emotions were surging.

He said: "If you leave me again, I will be very angry, very angry, and I will not forgive you even if you apologize."

His words were like a child's, but his movements were as strong and violent as a wild beast.An extremely gloomy, terrifying, and devoid of warmth gaze looked outside the hotel. Although he did not say it out loud, it was clear that his murderous intention was felt.

He wants to kill those guys who don't know what's good.

Kill them all.

Yun Si was frightened by his sudden reaction and couldn't help but push him, "Who lost you? I just said you first-"

Halfway through her words, she suddenly realized something. The hand she placed on his chest curled up slightly.

His heart was beating too fast, too fast and hard - he was scared.

The previous incident clearly left a shadow on him. Although he didn't say it, he always remembered it in his heart.

Because I remember, it is easy to feel insecure, so...

She paused and softened her tone, "Idiot, what are you doing to me? Don't think nonsense."

The person holding her didn't speak, his breathing was rapid and disordered, as if he was stressed, and he was still trembling.

The scalding temperature was still close to her, and it was clearly burning into her heart, making her unable to ignore it even if she wanted to.

Her heart softened, she grabbed his hand and walked inside, taking long strides.

"...Where are you going?" He looked at her with slightly red eyes, looking pitiful.

Yun Si pressed the elevator button and said calmly: "Go do something to make you feel at ease."

The poor-looking man seemed to not understand when he heard this: "What?"

Yun Si turned back, stood on tiptoes, and kissed him.

"Don't speak."

It's rare to be domineering, domineering and proactive.

The pitiful-looking man slowly lowered his head and held her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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