Chapter 3166 Who am I...? (63)

It rained all night.

The rain was not heavy, but a continuous drizzle, falling intermittently, stopping and falling, as if there was no end.

Until the sun was about to rise and the sky was slightly illuminated, the rain barely stopped, and the gloomy clouds shrouded the twilight, blocking the light that was gradually emerging from the sky, and also blocking the unmentionable warmth.

The cool breeze blows in, bringing damp and cold mist, blowing without leaving any room.

It was early in the morning, when the sun had not yet risen, above the building, at the highest point on the top floor——

Yun Si, wearing a thin velvet beige coat, faced the wind and appeared silently, like a phantom, landing silently.

Her long hair was blowing, her brows were clear and bright, and the mist filled her feet. She was like the only bright and delicate rose in the white mist, burning like fire and beautiful as a painting.

Wearing a red skirt and a white shirt, she quietly looked at the man leaning on the side railing and narrowed her eyes.

Without saying a word, he just walked over slowly, step by step, and stopped beside him, not far nor near.

Looking into the distance - the white, silent city shrouded in morning mist, her eyes were calm and her emotions were light, like a wooden beauty without emotions, she couldn't laugh or speak, she was quiet.

When the man standing on her side slowly looked at her, his eyes were dazed for a moment, then dazed for a long time, and he seemed to be in a daze.

Then, he whispered: "Si Si..."

It was still that endlessly gentle tone, and the careful gentleness clearly revealed endless sadness.

Sadness that seems like crying.

Yun Si's mood was light, she closed her eyes and looked at him, "Do we know each other?"


It's so similar.

Those familiar and clear eyes, every time he looked at them, he was in a trance——

In a daze, he seemed to see his little sister smiling at him.He can be naughty, but has a soft and caring heart. He will stick to his side and call him brother. He can act like a spoiled brat and help him when he is injured.

It was so similar that he couldn't doubt her identity.
He knew - she was the little sister, and the little sister was her.


Wen Ci lowered his head, rubbed his heated eyes, and whispered, "Do you hope we know each other?"

"……?"this problem……

"He doesn't want you to come, why are you still willing to come to see me?" He took a deep breath, as if trying to calm down his emotions.

"Aren't you afraid of danger?"

Yun Si looked at him without saying a word. She turned to look outside the building and looked at the slightly white sky in the distance. After a while, she said: "I don't think you will hurt me. I think maybe... you have a lot." I want to say something.”

It was a very calm tone, but it made his lips tremble slightly and his eyes suddenly turned red.

His nasal cavity became a little blocked, and he stared at her side face with a lump in his throat: " remember-"

No, no, she couldn't remember.

If she remembered, she wouldn't have such a cold reaction. If she remembered, she would smile at him and call him brother sweetly like she did before, instead of like this——

"Honestly, did you mistake me for your old friend?"

Yun Si turned around and asked.

"You look at me as if you know me and have known me for a long, long time. We really want to get along."

"But after thinking about it, it's obvious that we have never met, and I never remember that I knew you."

"So, who do you think I am? Is it your old friend? Or..."

(End of this chapter)

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