For this reason, the queen has been very worried, blaming herself every day, angry about why she was not careful when walking, and why she couldn't be more careful.

It was all her fault that her child was born before full term. He was so small and didn't develop well. When he was just born, she didn't even have the strength to cry.

The midwife said - this child is too young and may not survive.

The medical officer came to see her, and with a frown on her face and a solemn look on her face, she carefully warned her to take care of her carefully and not to make any mistakes.

Everyone knows that premature babies born more than two months early have a low survival rate.

The queen cried every day, hugged her child, and kept blaming herself for her negligence, which caused the child to suffer.

At that time, little Guanli, who was already six years old, and little Ruoyang, who was three years old, were still confused. They didn’t know what was going on. They only vaguely knew that my sister was not feeling well. It was very sad to call her Aniang. .

Little Ruanyang said: "Mother... mother... don't cry... don't cry."

"Yang... Ayang will protect my sister... don't cry... don't cry..."

He didn't know what happened, but he only remembered what his mother once told him - if he has a sister, he should protect her well and not allow anyone to bully her.

The older little girl also said, "Mom, mom, don't cry. My sister is fine. My sister is fine."

They were all comforting her, one big and one small, staying by her side. This made the queen, who loved her children, cry even more and couldn't stop.

After the war, Yan Yan, who was fighting on the front line, returned in a hurry and met her wives and children who had stayed behind in the palace.

Looking at her little daughter who was no bigger than her palm, Yan Yan, who had a strong temperament, couldn't help but blush. She hugged her queen and comforted: "It's okay, it's okay, Si'er, she will be fine, she will grow up well." Big, it’s not your fault.”

Hearing this, the queen cried bitterly, "Si' Si'er..."




Because of her premature birth, Yusi's health has not been very good.

Although there were auspicious signs when she was born, they were of little use to her.

After she was born, she often fell ill. When she fell ill, she would have high fever and cough. When it was severe, she could not even get out of bed.

Other children can already call daddy and mommy when they are six months old, and can walk and trot when they are one year old, but she cannot.

Her health was poor and her development was delayed. She didn't learn to speak until she was three years old, and she didn't learn to walk until she was five years old.

He also walked slowly, one step, two steps, like a clumsy little turtle. If he walked a little faster, he would fall. If he fell, his skin would be broken, and if the skin was broken, he would bleed.

Because of this, the queen who felt sorry for her went to find a caring and kind-hearted person named Meng Niang, who would be placed by her side and take care of her anytime and anywhere, paying attention to her diet and daily life.

The first time she met Meng Niang, the little princess grinned at her and called her: "Sister...sister..."

The little white dumpling has a cute and sweet smile, exudes the fragrance of milk, and has no ill intentions at all. How can one not like this?

From then on, Meng Niang stayed and became the little princess's personal maid. She always tried her best to take care of her and play with her.

The little princess has a lovable nature and a lovable personality. She is soft all over and has a soft voice.

He always speaks slowly, his mind works slowly, and he is often in a daze.

Sometimes after a serious illness, the symptoms of daze are more obvious, the reaction is slow, and the whole person is unnaturally quiet.

As if he was sick and stupid.

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