
Under the sun, the little girl who got her wish imitated the movements of the bird, giggling and waving her arms excitedly, as if she was flying.

Fly, fly, fly, she likes to fly.

The wind blew past her bright smile and her beautiful dress. At that moment, everything seemed to be eclipsed.

The sunshine was not half as bright as her smile, and the peach blossoms on the tree bloomed quietly in her laughter, revealing the beauty of spring.

The petals are colorful, the buds are sprouting, she is smiling, and the world seems to be laughing too.

Quietly, he looked at her and touched her lovingly and tenderly with his invisible big hands, gently.

That time was like a dream.




However, the good times did not last long, and the little princess fell ill again.

When she was about to be seven years old and was about to celebrate her birthday - a sudden illness made her fall ill and she could no longer get out of bed.

The high fever bothered her and wouldn't go away day by day.

She began to cough, and she coughed every day, and the cough became more and more serious. The flesh that had been cultivated on her face was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The medical officer stayed by her bedside day and night, never leaving.

The medicine was delivered continuously day by day, but her face became paler day by day.

She became increasingly lethargic, unable to eat, and often vomited medicine as soon as she drank it.

At the worst point, she couldn't even speak and had no strength.

The small body was lying on the bed, as thin as a piece of paper. Only the weak coughing sounds that came from time to time could prove that she was still alive and breathing.When the medical officers who took turns guarding the bed came out, they all shook their heads, indicating that there was nothing they could do.

The leader, the medical officer with the most exquisite medical skills, even used a tactful tone and said: "Forgive me for my incompetence. Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, she... has to make preparations for her funeral."

In one sentence, it was equivalent to giving the little princess a death sentence - a death sentence without any room for mercy.

The moment the words fell, the queen cried until she fainted, and Yuli Yuyang's eyes turned red. Yuyang even cried out: "No, it won't happen."

He grabbed the leader of the medical officers and cried out: "Save her! No matter what medicine is used - I don't care -"

"Your Highness..."

"Save her! You must save her!" Ruanyang's eyes were red and she wiped her tears in panic. "No matter what medicine you want to use, you tell me what you want to use. I'll find it. Dragon bone, snow lotus, and wild ginseng. You tell me, If you want anything, I’ll find it—"

Wang, who was waiting at the door, had a sullen face, said nothing, suddenly turned around, and strode away with his sleeves fluttered.

"Dad -" Yu Li stood there, looking at Yu Yang and then at her mother who was fainted, her eyes were red and she was at a loss.

"Brother Yang..."

Ruanyang pushed the medical officer away and rushed into Ruisi's room.

The windows in Yusi's room were tightly closed, and everything was closed tightly, not letting in a breath of wind. The dull smell of Chinese medicine was so strong that it made people gag just by taking a breath.

Ruanyang ran to Ruisi's bed, knelt down beside her bed, and grabbed her hand - a hand that was cold and thin, so soft that it seemed like it was about to melt.

"Si Si..." He kept wiping his tears, but he couldn't hold them back.

He wanted to call her, but the sound he made was extremely choked and difficult, as if he was about to cry in the next second.

Death was still too unfamiliar to him.

That's clear - just a word in the book.

When it comes to becoming a reality, he simply cannot imagine it, nor can he accept it.

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