The birds are chirping, the wind is warm, the sun penetrates the branches and leaves of the trees, and shines directly on the grass stained with morning dew, shining like diamonds that are accidentally scattered on the ground, one after another. , hidden in the soft grass.

The squirrel jumped down from the tree and rummaged for the fruits that fell on the grass. The butterfly was flying, its wings spread, and it fell lightly.

Everything is quiet, without a trace of sound, as if everything is still immersed in a dream and has not woken up.

After a dreamless night, Yun Si slowly opened her eyes.

Maybe it was because she slept too deeply, or maybe she was too tired. When she woke up, she realized that she had been asleep for a long time.

I haven't had such a peaceful sleep in a long time.

She rubbed her eyes, her wet eyes staring blankly at the thin quilt covering her body.

After watching quietly for a while, he was stunned for a while, and this time he reacted slowly - it was Jiu Ge's.

Jiuge, by her side.

She still couldn't believe this fact and always thought it was a dream.

It was difficult to distinguish between dreams and reality, so she always had to think for a while before she could slowly figure out the answer.

Sitting on the soft cushion in the cave, Yun Si looked around - he was gone, and she was the only one left in the cave.

Logically speaking, she should be on guard, because she didn't know when her enemies would come and attack her.

In the past, she would only take a nap for a while, squinting lightly, getting up whenever there was any movement, and looking around vigilantly.

But... I don't know if it was because she knew he would be by her side, but she unconsciously lowered her guard after falling asleep.

I really fell asleep, sleeping soundly, with my belly open, and I had no idea what happened next...

Yun Si touched the quilt covering her body and looked down at herself again - her clothes were neat and there was no sign of being taken off.

"..." He is truly a gentleman and would not take advantage of others' danger.

Yun Si's lips curled up slightly, she lifted the quilt and stood up.

Jumping out of the cave, and then, not surprisingly, saw the man coming back with the fish.

There is no aloofness like the status of a god, nor is there the coldness and refinement that has been hidden from the world for a long time, and is not stained with dust...

At this moment, he is more like an ordinary village man in the mountains. He is wearing a simple and plain cloth, with his long sleeves rolled up, like a husband who has returned from hunting, holding a long, fresh bag in his hand. The big fish was still flicking its tail, carrying a basket on its back, with herbs and fresh fruits in it.

Come home with a full load.

Seeing Yun Si standing at the entrance of the cave, a man who didn't look like a god at all, a smile suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Smiling softly, he came over and hugged her gently.

"Si Si." He called softly.

"..." Yun Si discovered that he seemed to really like her - not to mention holding hands every moment, and even hugging her at every turn.

He hugged her gently, and then called her in an extremely gentle and low voice in her ear.

She tilted her head, breathed softly, and called out "Sisi". It was... deadly - it could kill her.

Sultry, yet clear eyes, looking at her, the holy aura mixed with the seduction like a lustful male demon...

"..." Yun Si took a deep breath and tried to calm down: "Well... do you want to eat fish today?"

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