She blushed at his slur, and a thin layer of red appeared on her face, but her face remained calm, seemingly unmoved.

Only those bright, scorching eyes that revealed a bit of shyness exposed her, making it easy for people to see that she liked this, liked...his extra initiative.

Jun Jiuge hugged her gently, then let go, looked down at her, and smiled: "Well, didn't you say you wanted to eat grilled fish yesterday?"

"Just in time, there is a river not far away. There are a lot of fish there, so I went to catch one and cook it for you later."

"..." Yun Si blinked and said, "I just said it casually. In fact, it's okay not to eat."

She is a monster, it doesn’t matter if she eats or not.

It's just that this feeling of being taken seriously by someone's words... is somehow not bad.

Yun Si looked at him with joy that couldn't be hidden in her brows, her cheeks red and soft.

Jun Jiuge touched her face and chuckled: "It's not just casual talk. In the dream, you were still calling for fish."

Yun Si was stunned and subconsciously covered her mouth: "Am I talking in my sleep?"

It was truly amazing. With him by his side, she could still sleep so soundly that she could talk in her sleep?
Jun Jiuge smiled without saying a word and held her in his arms.

"Am I really talking in my sleep?" she asked curiously.

"you guess."

"..." Yun Si always felt that he was telling lies.

"Could it be that... you put a spell on me?" She followed him, her face full of suspicion, "Put a spell on me, make me fall asleep, and then lie to me."

Otherwise, how could she sleep so soundly next to him?
After all, he is a god.

As a monster who has always been quite smart and vigilant, how could she be so careless that she fell asleep completely without a trace of vigilance around the gods...

When Jun Jiuge heard this, he was half helpless and half amused: "Silly girl, how could I put a curse on you?"

As for her falling asleep quickly and obviously sleeping soundly...

Thinking of last night's troubles, he paused for a moment, his eyes dimmed, and he sighed, long, gentle and helpless: "Tonight, I won't sleep with you." "I'll be watching outside, you...sleep obediently." That’s fine, don’t worry about anything.”

There seemed to be something hidden in her restrained and polite words that she didn't know.

Yun Si blinked, looking confused.




Memory review - last night.

Before going to bed, I was still a little worried that I would be taken advantage of by some stupid goblin. After falling asleep, I instantly forgot all the tension and worries.

Feeling the extremely strong and familiar scent next to her, she became extremely clingy after falling asleep, so she automatically hugged her and held her tightly.

She was restless, and would unconsciously nuzzle her after a while, moaning and acting coquettishly in his arms.

She didn't know anything, it was a completely subconscious action, which caused her dress to be messed up. The person holding her was breathing heavily, and she couldn't restrain herself. The next second, she let go of him, turned around and abandoned him. .

It's just... grinding.

Just like her character, she would run away after flirting with someone. She has always been heartless and very bad.

The God, who had always been stoic and reserved, stared at her, his eyes were heavy, dark, and bottomless.

The stupid goblin didn't know how to take precautions, and his shirt and skirt slipped down, revealing half of his soft and delicate shoulders. He stared quietly, his eyes with aggressive intentions faintly exposed.

He didn't say anything, he just put his arms around her and held her in his arms.

Warm lips landed on her bare, white shoulders, heavily and without any restraint.

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