Looking back on his clumsy movements at that time, I can always clearly recall the anxiety and caution I felt at that time - afraid that she would just slap her butt and leave, afraid that she wouldn't like him, afraid that she was just a very brief dream he had. .

I will be afraid, afraid that my dream will be broken.

He didn't know how much he had thought about all kinds of nervousness, hesitation, and entanglement.

In short, I just want to think about her.

Yun Si asked: "What were you thinking when you first saw me?"

Jun Jiuge thought for a moment and replied: "I was thinking, where are you from? Where are you going? How long can you stay here? If...if there is a chance, it would be nice to get closer to you. I want to spend more time with you." You talk, I want to stay a little longer with you.”

Yun Si suddenly realized: "Is that why you used candied haws to tempt me?"

"..." He curled his lips and did not deny it.

A scheming man will always find an opportunity to get close to her - whether it's now or in the past.

"But, how do you know I will accept it? What if I don't like you?"

"Then let's try another method, a bitter meat trap, a beauty trap, or 36 strategies. There will always be one that succeeds." He replied.

Not liking it is normal, liking it is the luckiest thing among all the lucky ones. He is mentally prepared.

Maybe it would take a long, long time for her to start paying attention to him and become fond of him.

He had thought about all this, and even thought of the worst plan - she would not like him, no matter how hard he tried, she would not, and there might be no fate between them.

I have thought about all the possibilities, but I have never thought that the girl in front of me is actually a beauty control.

Just with a face, an ordinary face, she said she liked him.

Her clear and beautiful eyes sparkled, staring at him as if she had discovered some huge treasure, attracted by the skin that he had never cared about.

Because he was good-looking, she liked him, touched his hands, and took the initiative to hug him, just like a female gangster in society.During that time, he didn't know whether he should be happy or not, and he was extremely conflicted.

He should be happy because the girl he loved took the initiative to stick to him, came up to him, and even took the initiative to kiss him.

He doesn't need to do anything at all, even if he smiles, she will kiss her and attack him secretly.

It was obvious that she liked him, deeply.

He shouldn't be happy because he wasn't sure how many men she had taken advantage of with her deep facial control.

There are so many good-looking men in the world, and there is no shortage of him. Could she have been like this before meeting him - like a rogue female robber, doing these intimate things to other good-looking men?

Every time he thought about this, he always felt annoyed, suffocating in his heart, and extremely angry.

Especially when he saw her smiling at him carelessly and too brightly, he felt more and more depressed. He always felt that she would smile like this at other men, showing such a crazy and exciting side.

Feeling too jealous and reluctant to be angry with her, he had no choice but to warn her earnestly and tell her seriously - there are differences between men and women, and this is not allowed.

The original intention of saying this was to tell her that she shouldn't do this to other men.

But I didn't expect... She didn't seem to hear it at all.

She would nod perfunctorily and seem to have listened, but the next second she would come up to him and kiss him randomly.

Like a dog gnawing at her, he has no clue what to do, and he kisses her so young and astringent that he is so greedy.

"I like you so much~" She often said this.

She smiles when she sees him, with crooked eyebrows. Even if he often urges her to copy the precepts, she is not angry.

He is like a big, beautiful and clingy sweet cat with a good temper and is always willing to cling to him. (End of chapter)

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