"I like you so much~" She often said this.

She smiles when she sees him, with crooked eyebrows. Even if he often urges her to copy the precepts, she is not angry.

He is like a big, beautiful and clingy sweet cat with a good temper and is always willing to cling to him.


It makes people completely unable to be angry with her.

He felt depressed, but when she took the initiative to kiss him, he felt inexplicably angry again.

He said words of rejection, but his hands did not push her away.

I obviously like her in my heart and go crazy with it, but I still keep calm on the outside.

Knowing that she liked his skin and that she liked gentle and capable men, he began to unconsciously become what she liked.

Pretending to be that kind of person, pretending to be reserved, he treated her tenderly and exceptionally well every day, so much so that she gradually began to get used to his existence.

Like a warm fire, she forcefully squeezed into his life, and he - like pure water, moisturizing things silently, bit by bit, naturally became a part of her life.

She fell in love with him more and more, and she always had him in her smiling eyes.

Gradually, he began to learn to be careful, learn to observe, and observe what she liked.

She likes when he looks at her and smiles. Often when he smiles, she will come over and take the initiative to stick to him.

So, he often looked at her when he wanted to be intimate with her.

Sometimes he would deliberately get closer to give her an opportunity to attack easily, and sometimes he would pretend to be casual and find an angle to attract her with his skin that she liked... Even sometimes, he would find a justifiable excuse to hold her hand, hug her.

All kinds of despicable little tricks should be used without shame.

As a result, the more he used it, the more he used it, and the more he used it, the more ruthlessly he used it - it was like being addicted, and he couldn't quit, and he enjoyed it as much as sugar.

Like a lowly male prostitute, he put down his dignity and willingly chose to use his own skin to seduce her.

As long as she doesn't think about leaving him, she can do whatever he wants.Even if he peeked at him taking a shower, he would turn a blind eye and pretend not to know.

Everything, he indulged her, it didn't matter to him.

He tried hard to be nice to her, racking his brains in every way to make her happy and make her willing to accompany him.

He thought she knew his thoughts, but he didn't expect-it turned out that she had never felt safe.

She didn't say anything, but she became more and more timid and sensitive in her heart. She was so sensitive that she couldn't bear even the slightest stimulation.

All it takes is one more tiny needle, a little stimulation, and all the accumulated energy in her heart will explode completely, shattering into pieces that will be difficult to repair.

He was so kind to her, but he never opened his heart.

He always kept himself closed and refused to reveal his feelings.

He was afraid that his fanatical love would frighten her, scare her away, and make her feel shocked and unbearable.

She often said that she liked him, but he always subconsciously thought that she only liked his skin, just a piece of skin.

If you like a piece of skin, how much can you like it?He always denies himself like this.

I'm not good, and I don't deserve her love.

Because he liked it so much, he started to become timid.

I don't dare to gamble, and I can't bear the outcome of her leaving.

After too much hesitation and hesitation, I finally realized that I seemed to have hurt her.

He obviously didn't want to, it was obvious that this was not his intention.

He didn't want to hurt her, but in the end, he was the one who hurt her deeply.

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